This to me is one of the most miraculous aspects of alpha mind-technology. It has been known for a long time under the heading of mental telepathy but it wasn't until Jose Silva started seriously experimenting with it that its possibilities and limitations were identified.

In the early days before he had developed the Silva Mind Course he was using light hypnosis to try and help his children raise their grades at school. When he was giving them homework lessons he often noticed that they would answer a question before he had fully asked it. He had not given them enough information to answer the question but they answered it anyway. He figured that this was some sort of direct mind-to-mind communication.

In reality Subjective Communication is extremely easy and you do not have to have any experience whatsoever in alpha techniques, but it will help if you do. The reason for this is that Subjective Communication is usually done in the small hours of the morning for reasons explained later and unless you've had alpha training you tend to drop off to sleep halfway through your program.

If you have a genuine need then by using Subjective Communication you will be able to contact the right people to assist you in achieving your goal, simply by utilizing the knowledge you are about to read.

Basically Subjective Communication gently encourages a remote person or group of people to do things your way in a mutual win-win manner. However it will not work if you are not genuine about that which you want. If for example you are a salesperson and you are trying to push a product that you do not believe in, then it is very likely that your subconscious doubts will transfer to the other person or people.

The impact of one focused human mind upon another can be quite enormous so when you are doing subjective communication make sure to keep your messages positive and mutually beneficial to both parties.

Now as soon as possible contact that person in real life and run your problem past them. You will probably be pleasantly surprised to find that you receive a very cordial reception and things go the way you want. . Communicate with the person concerned and explain that life would be a lot better for both of you if he or she changed their attitude . See them agreeing. And if they don't modify their behavior visualize them being very uncomfortable or very unsettled whenever they think of you. This tends to get through to them subconsciously and they may feel inclined to leave you alone.

That is left-brain material. If you do, you will probably break the "neural connection". Merely project win/win concepts. You must treat the "receiver" as your not criticize in any way.....Merely offer mutually beneficial suggestions, which you clearly visualize the "receiving party" agreeing with.

You can easily use it to project healing; loving thoughts to a person you really care about. You will be amazed at the effect it has on them! Treat Subjective Communication with the respect it deserves and treat other people as you would want to be treated yourself! Then you can use this most magical of mental powers to help yourself and others!

Author's Bio: 

This was taken from the advanced mind power research of Jim Francis and his small research team.

They discovered psychic powers such as how to attract luck, how to cure their mind and body while sleeping by pre-programming their dreams, how to attract new partners with just the power of the mind ...they even found out ways of beating the casinos!... Plus much more...

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