Adding "ah" moments to your day is like sipping on a cool glass of lemonade on a hot summer day, or drinking a cup of warm cocoa or tea on a cool winter’s eve, or gazing at the stars in the midnight sky, or paddling a kayak or canoe on the still morning or evening waters.

These surreal times seem to create a silent lucidity in the soul where the runaway train of thoughts cease for just an instant. This space where you feel connected, alive, peaceful, and content all in one instant, these are "ah" moments.

It’s much easier to feel this ease when things are going well in your life but when things appear to take a turn in a different direction as they often do, the "ah" seems to fade to "uh".

During stressful times, whether it be personal, professional, or both, the problem can become the focus and leave you feeling depleted, doubtful, anxious, frustrated, angry, sad and even downright miserable.

Perhaps you are going through a tough time at home with your partner or children, or you’ve lost your job, or your boss or co-worker seem to be upsetting you, or you always appear to be unhappy, or you don’t know what direction to go next, or you or someone you know has become ill, or the day to day routine has got you down.

All of a sudden the lemonade seems to be filled with sour lemons, your cocoa or tea has turned to ice, the stars seem to be hidden in the gray sky, and the still waters are now gusty waves.

So much for the all is well feeling. Where did it go?

It didn’t go anywhere; you just had a momentary lapse of remembrance that there’s another possibility available for you.

How do you put the "ah" back in your day?

1. Ah…Give thanks you have this day. It may not be the day you planned, maybe things seem like they are taking a turn for the worse, but you’re still here right in this very moment and possibilities are arising for you to grow, learn and expand.

2. Ah… Step outside there’s a whole world out there. Sometimes we get caught up during our busy schedules and list of things to do that we forget there is a world waiting for us to explore.

Sunsets and sunrises, birds, flowers, trees, thunderstorms, beaches, oceans, pathways, forests, clouds, sunshine, people, animals, historical sites, museums, parks, etc.

Maybe you can only get out for a moment today or for a quick walk, but who knows what can happen in that very instant that can change your thinking, your mood, or maybe your life.

3. Ah…Pause for a moment. As many times as you can during the day, pause for a moment and breathe. Be conscious of that very moment just as it is.

It’s neither good nor bad; it’s just a moment for you to remember to suspend what you are doing and get out of your thoughts and into your breath.

4. Ah…Connect to God (whatever word feels right for you). Make time to be still and connect to the Infinite Intelligence that is guiding your way.

Find a few minutes each day to listen with your inner ear and see with your third eye what wonderful insights are waiting for you.

5. Ah…Take a mini vacation. This vacation won’t cost you a thing. Close your eyes and imagine wherever it is you would like to be.

See the surroundings. Where are you? What do you see? What colours are apparent? What do you smell? What do you feel when you are in this place?

If you have a hard time visualizing things, or prefer to see a picture, find an image that represents as close as possible to what you imagine and put it somewhere where you can see it often throughout the day.

6. Ah…Appreciate someone. Whenever possible, appreciate someone. It can be at home, work, a store, restaurant, airport, etc. There is always someone waiting to be appreciated for what they do and you are just the person to acknowledge them.

Don’t wait for someone to appreciate you either; you can value who you are each and every day when you take a look in the mirror.

7. Ah…The end of the day. Whether you are at home, or arrive home to family, pets or by yourself, take a few minutes to adjust your attitude and leave the work or day somewhere else.

This is a time to relax and enjoy your evening. Yes, there may be a list a mile high at home as well as others things to do, but do take at least 10-15 minutes to have gratitude for your day however it may have unfolded, and to give thanks for your home however simple or grand it may be.

Share how your day was and what "ah" moments you had. If you don’t have someone to tell them to, call a friend, or write them in a journal.

There are many simple ways of creating more "ah" moments in your day and often they lend themselves to many ah ha moments, as well as creativity, peace , and a sense of well being.

No matter what stresses may be occurring in your life, you are worth taking and making time for, if only for a moment.

You can spare a moment or two can’t you?

Remember , when you Shine, the world shines brighter because of you!