When people ask me what can be accomplished through hypnosis , I respond "almost anything," provided there is a readiness and willingness on the part of the person being hypnotized. In hypnosis ,you work with the more powerful, feeling mind, where lasting change takes place.

Contrary to popular belief,however,a hypnotist can not jump into the head of another person and make them do something against their will. Even in a deep trance, people will not do anything that is against their basic ethical and moral nature.

Likewise, a person can not be made to remember anything or reveal anything that they don't want to in hypnosis . I've disappointed many a jealous spouse by breaking it to them that hypnosis is not a "truth serum." A person is not out of control, unconscious or unaware in even the deepest trance.

One of the most common things a perso comes to a hypnotherapist for is to quite smoking cigarettes. And with good reason-- hypnosis proven to be one of the most effective means of quitting smoking, often in only one session. Over one year later, 75% are still smoke-free with another 12% needing one follow-up session. ypnosis is also very useful for weight management as it addresses all aspects of what a person might try to solve the probelems of their mind with their mouth. It is also very effective is the treatment of more serious eating disorders .

Helping AIDS patients arrest and sometime reverse the spread of the disease, having a tooth drilled and even giving birth without medication! All of these things and more are possible through the efective use of hypnosis. The only question is- Are You Ready?

Author's Bio: 

Jack Sparks received his certification in hypnotherapy at the Hypnosis Institute of San Diego and has been in practice since 1991. He has helped several clients successfully overcome: sexual dysfunction, stuttering, insomnia, self-esteem problems, life traumas and many other issues. Jack also received intensive training in smoking cessation and is a STOP SMOKING SPECIALIST, with a success rate of 80-81% and over 300 clients served. Jack earned his Master of Arts degree in Counseling Education from San Diego State University. He is a member of the faculty at City College of San Francisco where he teaches courses in Student Success.

For more information contact: info@hypnodynamics.com