The most important budget in the world is the budgeting ofyour life.

Budget your life? Yes! Budget it with goals, goals that
define and determine how you will spend that income that is
the span of your life!

I am going to give you six "goal makers" that have been
tested and proved by thousands of people. You won't need to
take notes here, because I am giving this "super six" so
that you can always use these pages as a reference. These
"goal makers" are going to make "budgeting" a pleasure!

Major goals first

1. Establish positive, progressive goals! Relate your goals
to your needs and desires to give them a positive slant.
Establish goals that will take you forward from where you
are, toward achievements that you can clearly define. This
will label them as progressive. They become your major

Alternate goals are important

2. Establish alternate goals along with the major ones. Set
up alternate objectives, similar to the major goals, which
you may switch to anywhere along the line without losing
ground if circumstances require a change. For example, if
a major goal is a trip around the world, and your
status changes so that you don't have enough time to spare,
go to Hawaii or Europe instead. With alternate goals
established, you will go somewhere stimulating and exciting.
You won't stay home, sore at the world and your job because
you couldn't make it around the world!

Maybe you don't want to go around the world. But
whatever your major goals are, be sure that they are
supported with alternates, so that progressive
is always assured.

Timetables for progress

3. As soon as each goal is established, put a timetable
along side of it. This is where many fall by the wayside in
money budgeting. This phase of budgeting is too practical
them and, while they say they will spend so much for this or
that, they end up not doing it, because they were not
about their goals. So, be definite about the timetable of
"what, how, 'when." Besides, your subconscious is depending
on you to be definite. It wants specifics to work on.

Never turn back

4. Anticipate meeting obstacles, but also anticipate
overcoming them. At any time along your way toward a goal,
you may meet an obstacle that seems like "the end of the
road" or that appears to say: "You're all wrong! Forget the
whole idea!"

Don't let either throw you. Get a good strong grip on the
progress you have made, and hold that position! Hold it
until you can thoroughly evaluate the circumstance and
determine how to overcome the obstacle. You can overcome
Remember the chapter on knowledge and learning ? That told
you how to meet such a situation. The important thing is to
keep the goal strongly in focus and don't turn back.

Variety is necessary

5. Budget yourself with a variety of goals. Remember that
your subconscious is your partner here, and this partner
thrives on variety. The "more the merrier" is the way your
subconscious looks at goals. One goal at a time won't
amount to an adequate "budget" anyway. The important
factor is have several different kinds of goals on the
list at the same time.

Sell your goals to others

6. Let everyone who should know be aware that you have
established your goals and that "this is your life" as faras action is concerned. Much of your action in relation to
goals is dependent upon your relationship with others.

People like to be associated with stimulating, progressive
action. They will help you along the way, if you ask them
to. Try it!

Use the six "goal makers" and your skill in budgeting your
life will increase day-by-day. Now I am going to add just
one more "slant" to this plan. It is most closely related to
your "timetable," but it also transcends all of the other
five steps.

This will become quite obvious to you once you are in actionon your goals. It is that your goals are dynamic things.

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