Every day someone around me casually refers to the Law of Attraction . Of course there are so many resources for information on “the law” out there in many forms – hundreds (thousands?) of sources – some dating back centuries before the movie called The Secret .

I keep an ever-growing list of those times when a simple request, and innocent wish, a sincere prayer precedes “out of the blue” fulfillment in the lives of people close to me and in my own experiences. My list is a resource for those times when doubts about our miraculous human/spiritual existence may creep in.

From my own “ law of attraction ” list, #37: On a Monday a few years ago, one of my close relatives, wanting to repay a $5,000 business debt and without money to do so, said the simple prayer, “I need help.” On Tuesday morning she heard someone at their front door. A life insurance company representative had driven 40 miles to say, “Good morning. In going over our records we found you have been overpaying the premium on your life insurance policies for the past 23 years. Here is our cashiers check for $6,000 to refund your overpayment, including interest.” My aunt's true story may sound like one of the Chicken Soup for the Soul reports by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen.

The inspiration for this particular article came from a phone conversation I had yesterday. On my “ law of attraction ” list, this is #330.

My friend “Laura” (not her real name) lives in Southern California. She is planning a move to Hawaii soon and will need to find employment. I suggested some specific keywords she might use for her online job search.

Laura started to giggle, “Cait, I just remembered that when I was a little girl I made a wish for a telephone that would let me call up the Universe and get back answers to any questions I asked. Of course, I got it! Google and Dog-pile and Yahoo and MSN are way to call up and get my answers.”

My aunt's request for “help” in the form of money to repay her business debt was answered swiftly (including an extra thousand dollars), within 24 hours. In my friend Laura’s case, her delightful childhood request took a few years to show up.

May you have the confidence to make your requests (ask for what you want) and then stay open and allow yourself to receive that which your heart desires.

Author's Bio: 

Formerly sales manager for the leading audio programs publisher, Chicago native, Cait Stanley now heads up her own mentoring and training company for business professionals.