A disc jockey is a person who has the potential to make a party a rip-roaring success. Whether you are throwing a party to celebrate your promotion, or to celebrate your child’s birthday, the quality of the DJ definitely has a bearing on the degree of fun people have at your party. Whatever be the occasion, one of the surest ways of putting life into a party is by having some lively, foot tapping music. Since so much depends on him, it may well be worth spending a little time on choosing the right person.

If you are planning to throw a party for your wedding in the coming month, and you are having nightmares after having recently attending a DJ party of your friend, don’t lose heart for help is at hand! No do not panic - I will tell you how to go about choosing the right DJ for your memorable day. Here are few guidelines to decide on real good one and hopefully put all your fears to end.

In House Disc Jockeys: The other option is to check from your function venue, as most of them will recommend a good disc jockey that they have seen performing. A few arrange it themselves as an added service to the client. After all, their reputation depends upon the disc jockey. Sometimes a bad DJ can spoil the effect of the good catering done by the hotels, so it is likely they would like you to have the best to give them a good reputation.

Disc Jockey Agencies : Disc jockey agencies have many disc jockeys on their books with recording studio equipment predominantly owned by the agency. Or they maybe having some contracts with other DJs also. But choosing a DJ through them can be a risky affair as the quality may vary from company to company, and within the company, amongst individuals. Some may be very good but some of their DJ staff they may not have been even heard or seen for months, so they can be short of good quality. Moreover, some of these employees are poorly paid so they find it very hard to maintain a class as they try to cut on the cost of their music collection. Some, in an effort to cut costs, will even resort to illegally copying music onto tapes, compact discs or mini discs. This being the case, they find it hard to keep motivated and interested enough to deliver a superior level of attention, service and entertainment.

Some of the agencies have also been known to have music software and can forward you a list of songs but again it depends upon the DJ. If unfortunately you get a wrong selection then you are left at the mercy of a Disc Joker instead of a Disc Jockey.

You must ensure from your DJ agency that how much personal attention they will give to you as most of the time they are more interested in putting up more DJs on the road rather than providing the best possible service to the client.

Do not get unduly worried – all this talk is only meant to show you the possible way of things. Taking a few simple precautions may be all you need to get your party the right mix of fun and entertainment.

In part two of this article, we shall see some more options of Disc Jockeys available to you. We shall also see some of the tips that will help you make a wise decision for selecting the right person to make your party a roaring success.

Author's Bio: 

The author loves music. You can download some free music software and get started with audio mastering . Also stay in touch with all the new music terms that are coined.