There are numerous habits and desires on which you can waste your money, but perhaps none as common as drinking and smoking. These are encountered on a daily basis, and are commonplace in nearly every society. Little do most people consider how much they spend on these habits yearly and how they can save more money by dropping them.

One of the most disconcerting facts about these two habits is that they can easily overtake your will and your life. Addiction is a very real part of this equation, which can lead not only to economic costs, but health problems as well. These addictions can creep up on the unsuspecting individual little by little until one day, they realize that they simply can't do without them.

By the regular use of such products, they incur long-term health problems as well as a serious threat to their budget. Perhaps the worst fact about this unfortunate yet all-too-real scenario is that large sums of money are literally wasted without any positive or lasting effect.

For a person who is forced to live on a budget, this is unacceptable: what you spend on a bottle of alcohol or a pack of cigarettes is money that you will be unable to spend on your other needs; and if the habit grows, this will soon encroach upon even the most basic necessities that you will be forced to do without.

If continued regularly, then the possibility of eventual hospitalization increases, both because of direct negative influences on your health, as well as indirectly affecting your active life. It goes without saying how difficult if not impossible it would be for one with low-income or in debt to pay soaring medical bills. For these reasons, the best approach would be to abstain from such unnecessary risks so that both you and your bank account can rest easier.

Drop a Bad Habit and Pick Up a Dropped Item

In addition to saving money by dropping bad habits , you can also save more money by holding onto items you are thinking about discarding. There's a saying that goes, "one's man trash is another's treasure." Why not change and that and make your own trash your treasure as well? Look around your house, and you'll surely find discarded items that can actually be useful, pretty things with a little art and effort.

Find unique uses for the most mundane kitchen items, for example. Mesh onion bags can hold leftover pieces of soap to create a scrubber, orange peelings can freshen up your garbage disposal, and plastic egg trays can be used to hold knickknacks for your kid's school project. Little jars can be embellished to serve as pen holders, while clear big ones can be filled with marbles to use as decoration. And how about that stack of old newspapers you’ve been planning to throw away? Think twice before sending them to the garbage can because you can make your own paper from those materials. The possibilities are endless as you can see!

If you feel that you don’t have an artistic streak in you, you can ask help from your kids in helping you with the project you have in mind. Their art and crafts classes at school will come in handy in helping you create useful items out of your trash. Working with your kids also doubles as a bonding activity. You’ll be spending quality time with them, and they’ll feel their sense of importance as input providers in your household even at their young ages.

You can also buy arts and crafts books and instructional videos from your local bookstore if you’re serious in making a hobby out of creating useful items out of your garbage. Better yet, enroll in short courses to help you get started. They usually run for just several weeks with flexible schedules so you can easily fit them in your lifestyle. The initial investment you’ll be making in these educational materials would be worth their price in the long run.

Consider these pieces of advice and save more money starting now!

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