Experience has shown that creative visualization works. It is quite possible to prove that circumstances and events follow thoughts. Take any situation or happening in your life, and go back to find what kind of thoughts preceded the event. You will find out that a particular event, followed particular thoughts.

Here are the reasons why visualization produces results:

# We are an inseparable part of the creative Universal Mind. Our thoughts are projected into this omnipotent power, and cause its tremendous power act on our behalf. The Universal mind and us are partners in creating our life.

#  Everything in the Universe is interconnected. Each thought, action and event in the universe are connected, and influence each other. Each thought and action causes reactions and repercussions.

#  Everything in the Universe is energy. We see differences because each object has a different wavelength and density. We live in an ocean of energy. Each wave in this ocean influences the other waves. Thoughts, as part of this body of energy, work with the creative Universal energy and interact with it.

#  Thoughts are like a magnet, they attract similar thoughts and circumstances. Thinking one thought invites into the mind more similar thoughts and ideas. These thoughts tend to attract circumstances that are in accordance with them.

#  A clear mental image radiates from the mind of the one thinking it, and is transmitted to other minds. Whoever is receptive to this kind of thought may perceive it and act on it, thus being the agent to fulfill the desire.

#  By repeating the same thoughts day after day, the subconscious mind is driven to act on them. In this way habits and behavior are formed. The thoughts that sink into the subconscious mind drive people into corresponding action.

#  Each thought we think arouses an associated emotion. If the emotion is strong enough, it incites to action. Strong thoughts energized by emotions cause more energetic and definite action than weak thoughts. Such an action brings results in accordance with the thought that prompted it.

#  Similar thoughts bring people together. When one person has a need, and the other can supply it, their thinking can bring them together in a surprising manner. This is what we call a coincidence.

Some time ago I have heard the following story, which can illustrate such a coincidence:

A woman has been searching for of a new job as a graphic designer. One morning, while going towards her car, she found out that she had a flat tire. Reluctantly she took the spare tire out, and prepared herself for the unpleasant task of changing it.

As she was trying to loosen the screws of the tire, a car stopped by, and the driver asked her if she needed any assistance. She accepted his help, and while changing the wheel they started to talk.

It turned out that he owned a graphics designing company, and needed desperately a qualified and experienced graphic designer. To her surprise and joy, he requested her to come to his office later during the day, with her certificates and recommendations for an interview.

She did not have to wait for the interview, as she was always carrying her certificates and recommendations with her. When he saw them, he was deeply impressed and hired her on the spot.

This meeting brought together two people who needed each other in some way. It was no coincidence, as one was thinking about hiring someone, and the other about finding a new job. Their thoughts brought them into meeting each other.

This is an excerpt from the book "Visualize and Achieve" by Remez Sasson

© Copyright Remez Sasson

Author's Bio: 

Remez Sasson writes and teaches about self improvement, spiritual growth, meditation, positive thinking, creative visualization, success and mind power. He is the author of several books, and the publisher of the biweekly ezine, "Consciousness and Success".

Website: http://www.SuccessConsciousness.com
Books: http://www.successconsciousness.com/index_00003f.htm
Contact: info@successconsciousness.com Ezine : http://www.SuccessConsciousness.com/index_000026.htm