Too often, there are reports of people claiming to have beenglorified historical figures in past lives.

It’s a frequent misconception, perhaps encouraged in part by
somewhat unscrupulous psychics who tell clients how important
they were in their past lives. When people are regressed and see
their own past lives, it's common to perceive experiences as
being both rich and poor, male and female, powerful and
powerless, productive and unproductive, and so on. If people
perceive themselves as a famous historic figure such as
Cleopatra, Joan of Arc, one of the Disciples of Jesus, or even
as Jesus himself, there are four possible explanations for this:

1. The person really was the historic figure in a pastlife.

2. The person is identifying with personality patterns
associated with the historic individual to such an extent that
the person believes he or she was that individual.

3. The person's ego is adding to the session. For
example, perhaps he or she perceives through regression the
ancient civilization of Egypt and a woman who looked like
Cleopatra, or they may have been associated with Cleopatra, but
the regressed person wasn't actually Cleopatra.

4. The person is somehow connecting to the energy orconsciousness that was once part of the historic figure.

Regarding those who consider people who believe in
reincarnation and past lives to be escapists and cowards,
it actually takes more courage to accept and live within the
ideals of reincarnation and karma because it means you have
to take responsibility for everything you do, say, intend, and
feel for all that happens to you. There is no such thing as a
victim, you can't blame anyone for anything, and you "get
away with" nothing.

Furthermore, physical death may be the end of our body, but
we are far more than just a body. Our soul consists of energy
or life force. Science has proven that energy never dies and
can't be destroyed; it just takes a different form.

Past life regression can be used for entertainment purposes,
but more importantly, even if you don’t believe in past lives,
it can be a very useful and therapeutic tool.

Finally, it doesn't really matter if the theories of
reincarnation and karma are valid or not, but if we all acted as
if they were, our world would be a much better place.

Copyright © 2007 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo

Author's Bio: 

Scott Petullo has been professionally employed as an astrologer, numerologist, and handwriting analyst since 1997. He has a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Arizona and has been exploring metaphysics since the early 1980's. Scott is a self-taught astrologer and numerologist, and received his Certified Master Graphologist designation from the Institute of Graphological Science in Dallas, Texas.

Stephen Petullo has studied metaphysical concepts since the early 1980s and earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Arizona that includes a minor in psychology. He has been doing consultations and intuitive readings professionally since 1997. He is a Reiki master-teacher, past-life regressionist, natural medium and channel, metaphysical consultant and has published a book and 20 audio recordings.