In this series of articles we are exploring new techniques which have demonstrated the effectiveness of past life regression (henceforward referred to as PLR) therapy for a wide variety of client issues. Last issue we addressed the healing of past life trauma. This article will focus on bringing creative abilities forward from past lives.

In our first article I pointed out that PLR experiments by researchers like Helen Wambach, in her ground-breaking text, Reliving Past Lives, have proven the historical reality of past lives for a significant number of trance subjects. If, therefore, as current research indicates, many of us have lived on the earth for millennia, we could have developed numerous creative abilities over the centuries. It’s even possible that what we call "innate talents" such as those exhibited by great composers and artists is a result of subconscious memories of abilities developed in former lives. Wouldn’t you like to know what abilities may lie untapped in your subconscious mind?

The challenge for hypnotherapists is to create an easy way for a client to access these abilities, not just in a hypnotist’s office, but every time the client sits at the computer or picks up a musical instrument. Over twenty five years of work with PLR, I have developed a technique that gives us the ability to summon the knowledge and skill developed in a past life to any arena of creativity in this life, without the need for repeating a formal trance induction. This technique is designed to bring together and merge this past life personality with the present self.

The first stage of the process is the therapist inducing the client into a moderately deep trance and asking the client’s subconscious mind to take us back to a past life in which the client had a particular ability. I have had success in contacting a wide variety of skills, including fine arts like music, dance or writing, leadership, teaching, social skills, exercise, martial arts, child rearing, and healing abilities. After examining the past life self using these skills in their own time, the client and therapist perform a mental rehearsal of the past and present self using these skills together in the client’s current creative environment. For example, a client wishes to strengthen their leadership skills after a recent promotion to a management level. He accesses a past life as a medieval king, King Harald. First we observe the king’s leadership in action in his native Saxon England. If the king’s skills are impressive, we bring him forward to assist the client in a management challenge the client now faces. If we see value in this new partnership, we proceed to the next step. If not, we keep searching.

We must next look at the past self’s entire adult life. We may discover traumas which could block the flow of this creative energy. Recall the healer in the last article who was burned as a witch and decided never to heal again. Or a Chinese Emperor who decided never to rule or lead others after losing a costly war. We may also need to seek atonement for any karmic misdeeds committed in that past life. We’ll learn about how to address these issues in our next article. We may also find some bad habits that the client does not need in this life. If for example, King Harald is overly fond of raping and pillaging. or alcohol, we must persuade him to leave these desires behind. This is not always possible. These are some of the many things we must examine before we can bring any past life personality (PLP) forward to the present.

If all goes well in this thorough scrutiny, we then ask two critical questions. Returning to my example of King Harald, here are the key questions. First, "Do you, King Harald, wish to join my client in the twenty-first Century, bringing forward your memories, wisdom, and abilities into his present life?" Secondly, "Do you, Mr. Client, wish to bring King Harald forward ?" If the answer to both questions is a strong "Yes!" the last stage of the process is to link this powerful union to the client’s creative opportunities and challenges. "Now, every time you face a leadership challenge, you feel the strength and support of King Harald inside your body. Feel the strength of his sword in your hand. Feel his powerful and confident voice merging with yours." Then we bring both parts out of trance together. "Now as I count up from 1 to 5 both King Harald and Mr. Client are returning together to Santa Rosa, California in 2005." Note the importance of clearly stating the present time and location. The client will usually emerge from trance feeling very different in their body. An immediate shift in attitude , posture and energy is often apparent that may persist for weeks or months after the session. It is however, of critical importance that the client be required to call upon this new resource frequently, and to report their results to the therapist. Any skill not practiced is quickly lost.

While this process is far too complex to be pursued by the amateur, it can yield phenomenal results for many clients in a wide variety of situations when facilitated by a trained hypnotherapist. Even if you don’t believe in the literal reality of past lives, this process has great power as a metaphorical inspiration for long term transformation . Like the stories of great saints, heroes, or saviors, we can call upon this, our own personal mythos, whenever we face creative opportunities or challenges. It’s like having a personal coach available 24/7. I have used this process myself to channel beautiful music, dance, teaching skill, and other abilities. And I’ve heard from many others about similar gifts.

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To experience PLR for yourself, please check our website at or call 800 950 4984 for a practitioner in your area. In our next article, we will examine the karma we have accumulated in past lives, which leads to patterns of bad luck and other limitations in the present. We’ll learn how to clear these patterns from the subconscious mind.