Hello and welcome to today'Positive Affirmation. We, each of us, have the power to alter our NOW, which in turn impacts our future, simply by establishing a positive train of thought. Today's affirmation is one of a series that will be presented to help improve our attitude and bring more joy into our lives.

Let's talk about self-esteem today ~~ our level of confidence in ourselves, in our identity and the validation of our BE-ing-ness as viable individuals. This may sound like quite a mouthful, and perhaps it is; however, our self-esteem (or as some may consider it, our "self-of-steam") is important. Is it real or simply hot-air? Do we really like ourselves, or do we identify ourselves by what others think of us? Here is how to create personalized affirmations to help you see the difference.

First, compose a list of all the positive things in your life ~~ be honest with yourself. Are you a good cook? Are you well organized? Do you have a special talent, or perhaps a God-given gift? List your positives.

Next, pen your own personalized affirmations from your list of positives, such as:

"I am a talented and creative artist."

"I am well organized in my day to day activities."

"I am thrifty and frugal in my money management."

"I am sincere in my feelings for (person, place, pet, community, etc.)"

"I have a beautiful voice and I use it to sing my praise for love and life."

"I am in charge of my life and make decisions for the good of the whole."

The idea here is to recognize your strengths and affirm them by creating a list of personalized affirmations that will bolster your confidence solidly, not merely from 'hot-air'.

Remember, once you pen your list of positives, use the present tense in listing your personalized affirmations ~~ "I am ...." And, don't be afraid of blowing your own horn ... because this is the time to do so! Also ... once you have your affirmations written, remember to 'say' them in sets of threes!

"I am" sending you positive energy to recognize your strengths and positive traits to encourage you to follow through with writing your own personal affirmations :)

Rev. Barbara Delozier, B.Msc., M.Msc.
"Dolphyn Wisdom of the Ancients"
email: EmpowerUEnt@aol.com

Author's Bio: 

Rev. Bee is a metaphysical minister, paranormal sensitive and positivity life coach who operates through numerous online outreaches working toward the good of the whole. She lives in Florida with her family, however, frequently travels and publishes reports of supernatural, spiritual and physical findings on her sites.