How can a successful person brimming with self confidence be found speechless and uncomfortable? Expectation.

The trap of human expectation can get the best of us at any time, place, or situation. When you perceive something or someone around you (that affects you) has changed, what do you do? Do you react to that change? Do you ask the person or situation if they feel a change? Or do you look inside yourself for a reason to have perceived change?

I am not one for studies and statistics. I am one for gut feelings and experiential knowledge. Ahh, the path of Zen. That being said, and going off those trusted feelings and knowledge, I'm willing to bet it can be proven, time and again, that the perceived change was not change at all, but expectation.

A person with expansive knowledge and quick wit can become speechless when his or her expectations of themselves are suddenly put on the spot or questioned, or their perception of other's expectations of them are suddenly brought into the equation. Picture the multimillionaire going bankrupt.

Put that into a personal perspective. You can quite easily get yourself stuck all alone within your own expectations.

Why did it take me five parts to culminate my thoughts on perception when it usually takes me one page to get the thoughts down on paper? Why did the flow of my thoughts start and stop, then start somewhere else, then stop again, start again, stutter, hiccup, cough? Because I was expecting a fluent one page grand summation.

My expectations were getting too comfortable, in fact stagnant. I started taking great one page articles for granted. Subconsciously, I knew I had to make myself earn this one a different way ... but I couldn't put a finger on the reason for my writer's block and get it unblocked! Ack. The frustration.

It took an outside situation, mirroring my quandary, and someone's very pointed question to get the stab across. Expectation. Right now I'm perceiving it as the root of all evil. It is absolutely amazing, the problems it can cause. And solve. Just stop and think about it.

How can one day feel like good positive interaction, and the next feel less than stellar?


We don't expect anything spectacular... We get pleasantly surprised by the spectacular... We expect the spectacular... We lose the spectacular... We don't expect anything spectacular ...

Lose your expectations. Free up your perceptions. Find your path to Zen.

Copyright © 2009 Rebecca Halstead
All rights reserved

Author's Bio: 

Rebecca Halstead enjoys life as a Reiki Master, Animal Communicator, and Life Consultant. She is the author of the book series, "Get Your Self Straight", and the founder of In Touch Methods™, experience based learning techniques that teach conscious living through Awareness, Communication, and Understanding Energy.

Along with her books and free articles, Rebecca offers both private consults and group clinics (for people and/or animals), phone and email consults, eCourses, and accelerated learning (for people) with her In Touch with Horses™ clinics.

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