We have all heard that subconscious patterns are the root of our limitations and that if we can change those patterns our quality of life improves. Without a doubt that is true. Yet, thousands of highly skilled students of growth still find themselves trapped in the cycle of two steps forward one step back.

Our brain comprises two hemispheres, connected by the corpus callosum and the brain stem housing our primitive brain. The left hemisphere (LH) and the right hemisphere (RH) both contain sensory, motor and association areas, except for certain functions the two hemispheres are asymmetrical.

Our thoughts create patterns of electrical energy that cause neurotransmitters, hormones, and chemicals to be released in the body and our bodies respond. We experience this physical translation of our thoughts to our bodies as emotions. When the anxiety response is activated the flow of neurological information and the flow of blood throughout the body are disrupted.

Under stress, energy for the brain areas of higher function are blocked, communication between the left and right hemispheres breaks down and conscious sensory input through eyes and ears diminish. At this point the survival state is activated and everything is hard to accomplish because communication between hemispheres is slowed or stopped.

The autonomic nervous system (ANS) can be divided into the sympathetic and the parasympathetic nervous systems. When the parasympathetic nervous system is active we are relaxed, our heart rate is calm and steady, and our breathing is slow and deep. On the other hand, when the sympathetic nervous system is active our body prepares for an emergency, and the “fight or flight” response is in effect, our heartbeat is fast and strong, and our breathing is shallow and rapid. Anxiety response symptoms can be present. Blood flow patterns, which are an indication of neural activity, are dynamic. They change depending on our physiological and psychological conditions. In a sympathetic, anxious state, our blood flow and neural activity are increased to the large skeletal muscles and the heart. Consequently, in sympathetic overdrive, when we’re experiencing panic and fear, and thinking clearly becomes extremely difficult. The primitive brain says: “You don’t need to think, you need to run!”

There are tens of millions of differing neural connections to the brain. Each has a task. All these tasks merge to create a complete cognitive mechanism. Since all lobes of the brain are interconnected, none stands alone and each compensates for the others. When we are functioning at our best, the brain and body functions well together, sending and receiving messages while keeping the entire organism in a state well connected for being present at whatever is taking place in our lives. In other words we are in Flow.

A groundbreaking new model for change... NEUROSHIFT is a leap forward in letting go of old ineffective emotional patterns and bringing about an emotional balance, producing choice and change in your life. In an extraordinary process that takes only a few simple steps the brain hemispheres are recalibrated to release a flow of energy for new potential in whatever context it is applied.

Drawing from the fields of Energy Psychology , Hemisphere Rebalancing, NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), Psycho-geography and others disciplines, NeuroShift utilizes natural physiological patterns along with the body’s energy field and neurological processing systems for re-patterning and recoding how experience is stored. It has the effect of releasing unconscious beliefs and corresponding unpleasant emotions, transforming them permanently, directed by conscious intention.

NeuroShift is a gentle, powerful means for expanding and amplifying life experience by reversing the restrictive, cumulative effect of negative judgments and emotional imbalance. It is a simple technique that enables the quick release of old patterns and deep fears that holding back or limit, allowing an accelerated personal growth through new directions in life.

NeuroShift activates the choice factors all growth systems strive for, but which often seems just beyond your reach. The process itself is unique as it acts to inhibit the flight/fight area of the brain and activate a balance or shift to a neutral emotional state from which choice is available to re-code unpleasant memories with the wisdom of life experience. It is easy to learn and taught in a one-day experiential workshop format, offering an opportunity to identify experiences to restructure to create a more harmonious flow to life.

“I’m feeling really great. The process helped me to clear blocks I was not even aware of. Now I have the energy to do what I wanted to do.... I now have a calm stillness. When I (shifted) I felt a flow with all life. I don’t have to push and pull but just BE.” Judy S., Boston

“Now, all those negative feelings and beliefs seem silly because I know none of it was really true. I’m feeling calm and quiet and wonderful.” Vicki L., Dallas, TX

“ I feel like I really became my ‘true’ self, centered and feeling like I belong.” Judy V.

Reprinted with permission from EarthStar Magazine, December, 2006

Author's Bio: 

Marilou Seavey, vice president

Marilou Seavey, a master NLP trainer, facilitates personal and professional change worldwide. She assists people from all walks of life with the interior design of their lives – redefining who they are and getting them on track and “on purpose”. Her clients include Fortune 500 executives, small business owners, senior political advisors, entertainers, and educators. She has a special ability to create an ideal atmosphere for growth whether she is working with individuals, seminar groups, company teams, or large audiences. Marilou’s passionate belief that she can help people free up something inside themselves – and that it is easier than they think – creates a personal connection with her audience.

Marilou’s work in the field of human potential and her study of NLP for over 25 years has formed the basis of her life’s work. For Marilou, NLP is part art, part science, with an elegance based on the efficiency with which it can create change at any level. She continues to stay focused on pragmatic and useful applications for people in their everyday lives.

At MindBridge International NLP Training Institute, Marilou has been instrumental in creating and developing NeuroShift™, the company’s latest offering, which addresses facilitating rapid change. She has also designed unique one-to-three day “personal retreats” that are especially effective in her intensive work with clients from all over the world.

Marilou holds her Trainers’ Certification from NLPU, the premier NLP research and development institute. Her NLP Practitioner and Master Practitioner Certifications were received from the Massachusetts Institute of NLP. Success Magazine UK featured Marilou in an article highlighting “Who’s Who in NLP”. Marilou is currently being interviewed as a leader in the NLP field by The Wealth Creator Source™ program for their monthly CD. She is a regularly interviewed guest on Vibrant Living Radio, an Internet and satellite radio station.

Marilou's extensive travels throughout the United States, Canada, Europe and Australia help make her presentations stimulating and unique. A NLP Master Practitioner and Trainer since 1982, she presents the NLP Practitioner Training and the NLP Masters Training in Boston, Massachusetts, Raleigh, North Carolina and Toronto, Canada. Marilou is highly respected internationally for her ability as a trainer and her knowledge of the mind. Her skillful presentations and deep understanding of the inner workings of the human mind provide her audience with the ideal atmosphere for learning. Marilou is committed to letting people in on the fact that “successful and prosperous living is an enlightening experience.” Marilou is currently responsible for NLP programs delivered by MindBridge International NLP Training Institute.