To know what homosexuality really is, let's take a close look at some of the misconceptions surrounding this kind of behavior . Below are some myths and the facts behind these claims:

Homosexuality is a disease. False. Since 1974, the American Psychiatric Association has removed homosexuality from its list of psychiatric disorders. This means that the medical community does not regard homosexuality as a disease and homosexuals are not sick. Most homosexuals live normal lives and therapy is generally not recommended for these individuals unless they are disturbed about their condition.

"Homosexuality as a conscious choice by an individual old enough to make a decision - which includes a significant proportion of teenagers - is no longer considered an aberration or disorder. Only if the individual is disturbed by or feels unhappy with that orientation is special counseling or therapy recommended. Thoughtful persons in medicine, law and other fields agree that discrimination against individuals based on their sexual orientation is wrong," according to Dr. Virginia E. Pomeranz of the Cornell University Medical College and New York Hospital and Dodi Schultz in “The Mothers' and Fathers' Medical Encyclopedia.”

This, however, was not the case in the past where homosexuals were viewed as abnormal and persecuted. The Old Testament (Leviticus 20:13) tells us that homosexuality is punishable with death and this was practiced in most European countries in the Middle Ages.

Fortunately, that attitude is changing. Many countries now have laws permit¬ting homosexuality in private between two consenting adults. These include France, the USA, the United Kingdom, Scandina¬via, Japan and China. These people have come to realize that homosexuality is not an abomination but rather a natural course some persons are destined to take.

"Innumerable studies have been made to determine if homosexuality is correlated with any particular psychologi¬cal problem (as perceived by homosexuals themselves or by others). Findings indicate that homosexuals in general are neither more or less unhappy, anxious, maladjusted, etc., than heterosexuals in general. Obviously, if an individual is forced or coerced into a relationship of whatever sexual orientation, that person is not going to be very happy. Ideally, all such decisions should be made thoughtfully and maturely," Pomeranz and Schultz said.

Homosexual acts make one a homosexual. False. That depends on the number of times you perform those acts and your sexual preference in general. Homosexuality is not measured by occasional acts or transient fantasies for such behavior are normal in young boys and girls who have yet to establish their sexual identities.

Prior to sexual maturi¬ty, children are often interested in their own sex and show great hostility toward the opposite sex. Teenagers, on the other hand, may engage in sexual experimentation from time to time. This does not make one a true homosexual.

"Intimacies often are shared between two or more boys or girls in early adolescence. They may try holding hands, kissing, fondling or mutual masturbation. Participating in this kind of activity does not necessarily mean that you will be a gay man or a lesbian," said Dr. David E. Larson, editor-in-chief of the “Mayo Clinic Family Health Book.” (Next: More myths about homosexuality.)

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Author's Bio: 

Sharon Bell is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and published author. Many of her insightful articles can be found at the premier online news magazine .