Relationships and Our Minds
Everything in the universe is created by one original substance. This formless substance or energy is neutral. It is the thought applied upon this substance that creates the thing that is imagined by the thought. Since you are thinking source, you can create anything you desire. There is an unlimited storehouse of love and abundance
that this substance provides. Many of those who struggle with relationships tend to apply negative thoughts about love into this energy and ultimately create more loneliness
, lack and fear of losing the one we adore. You can attract true love by changing your thoughts and working with this amazing formless substance that creates all. This formless creative substance is referred to as God, universal energy, life force and other names that may fit with your personal belief system.
Limited v. Creative Mind We tend to look at our life in two ways. One way is to see things as they are and believe we have no power to change them. We have a strong habit of looking at our current situation, making decisions about them based on past circumstances and recreate the situation over and over again. This is working with your limited mind or habitual way of thinking. This type of thinking leads to competition, fear, scarcity and grasping in relation to love and relationships.
The other way to look at life is to see beyond how things are and believe in the possibility of what they can become. The truth is that there is an unlimited source of love in the world. When you think of everything around you as becoming or in possibilities of growth and expansion, you are using the creative mind. This creative mind tends to push beyond perceived limitations and create opportunities and loving relationships.
In order to use the creative mind more effectively, you need to change the limited beliefs in your conditioned mind. By changing your inner beliefs and shifting the habits of thinking to possibilities, openness and endless opportunities, you can attract the partner of your dreams .
Power of the Mind Most people do not realize that their entire life is run by their conditioned mind. You think almost the same thoughts every single day that keeps you stuck in your limited way of being. The conditioned mind is the pattern of thought you bring from the past. Your mind tends to be consistent with your beliefs and emotional responses to external stimulation. It is the source of the habit of thinking that either drives or repels love.
Your mind gathered information about your self-worth and lovability throughout your life, especially in childhood when you took things literally and made up ideas about yourself from the mind of a child. Those old ideas are still operating in your inner mind and become the foundation of almost all of your belief systems. This process begins at conception, through all nine months of pregnancy , birth experience and all childhood experiences. You have evidence of these deep beliefs as you go through life, but sometimes are not aware of them. You sometimes feel like you are “acting like a child” because your conditioned mind is running your actions, reactions and interpretations of issues that arise. Most of dating and relationship issues were created because of ideas you learned about love, family , gender roles and marriage in your childhood from your parents, friends and teachers.
If you want something and it is not showing up in your life, your conditioned mind is not in agreement with receiving it. For example, if you want a loving partnership and you consistently seem to struggle in dating or have “bad luck” with men or women, you probably have beliefs that are not in alignment with love. It is important to understand that conditioned mind isn’t logical but has an amazing power over your life. Everyone and everything in your life is a mirror of your mind and this hard-wired pattern of thinking can be changed if you follow the Creative Mind Method.
Shifting to a New Experience of Love There are many ways to shift from old limited patterns of being to expand into the creative mind of love.
1. Uncover false beliefs operating in your unconscious mind. A great exercise
is to write down one or more of these stem sentence and finish it over and over to get all the junk out on paper:“The reason I don’t have a healthy relationship is because….” -or
“If I had a happy relationship, I would….”
2. Flood your mind with new ideas about love and relationships. Self-hypnosis is the best way to change your limited mind. Did you know that it takes 1,000 affirmations to match the power of just one suggestion in hypnosis ? That is because in the alpha state you are more able to accept new positive statements about yourself. Hypnosis creates immediate results!
3. Instead of focusing exclusively on your external appearance, shift your energy to watching your thoughts and speech. With every action you take, do it in a way that is in alignment with your will for true love.
4. Practice meditation and learn to quiet your mind to be present in the moment. (This step will help you master step number 3).
5. Don’t think in terms of competition or lack – there is plenty of love to go around. The perfect partner for you is out there. If someone you love turns to another, know that the void will be replaced with someone truly right for you.
6. Do not get discouraged no matter how long it takes for your love to arrive in your life. Be patient and let go. Keep holding the vision of your dream for a happy relationship regardless of external conditions.
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Debra Berndt, Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Dating/Relationship Expert, Certified Hypnotic-Coach™, Author, Speaker, Dating Coach and creator of . Debra is the host of The Hypnotic Dating Show on the Real Coaching Radio network – visit to hear replays of the show. Her online self-hypnosis store is the fastest growing provider of self-hypnosis products. Debra has appeared internationally on radio and television promoting the power of the subconscious and self-hypnosis to attract true love.
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