The system exposes the secrets.

See, 30 years ago, just about all of our major healthcare problems and disease were virtually unknown. Today, they're almost a certainty (if you live long enough of course).

And yet consider this: - Never in the history of the world has any other country come close to having as many doctors as we do in the United States (approximately 700,000 according to the US Census.)


Never in the history of the world has any other country come close to Spending as much as we do on health care (1 TRILLION dollars a year, conservatively).

2 Things: Rising healthcare cost, and rising diseases and illnesses.

Somebody's getting rich, while millions are made sick and desperate.

Now, what have we received in exchange for the 1 Trillion dollars spent on health care?

Well, for starters, we lead the developed world in deaths from:

- Heart disease
- Prostate cancer
- Breast cancer
- Colorectal cancer
- Diabetes

- The American Cancer Society says that one in every 2.5 individuals will develop some form of invasive cancer in their lifetime - and half will die from it.

- Cancer is the leading cause of death in children Under the age of 10.

- And even though we spend $100 billion dollars a year on cancer treatment and research, the overall survival rate for cancer patients is no better than it was 50 or even 100 years ago.

Not to mention chronic fatigue, premature aging, obesity , cholesterol, joint pain, PMS, constipation, and immune diseases.

People getting diabetes is going through the roof too.

And The Most Shocking Fact of All

It is conservatively estimated that as many as 700,000 people die every year from... pharmaceutical drug reactions. Ya, and that's what everybody wants to use their Medicare money on right?

Welp, here's your alternative: Right now... going on right under our noses... there is a network of elite herbalist, holistic healers, and renegade medical doctors throughout the world who are performing miracles on a daily basis.

Not only are they restoring people to complete health, but they are even reversing and eliminating "in-curable disease".

And in fact, they are extremely difficult to get to because it is technically illegal for them to diagnose or treat people for major disease unless you use the FDA approved methods like Cutting, Burning, and Poisoning (surgery, radiation, and drugs).

The truth is, thousands of people have come to these "miracle doctors" even terminally ill, and thousands have left perfectly healthy.

How you ask? Well... you'll have to get the book to hear that story. And if it's perfect health you want, you'll find it there.

Author's Bio: 

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