Covert hypnotic techniques can be difficult to master since there are so many parts to each technique that you must learn, and be confident in, in order to see positive results.

One of the main mistakes people make when practicing covert hypnotic techniques is that they will perform a script, or hypnotic action of some form, without testing to see whether or not the person is responding to the action.

For example, if you wanted to subconsciously suggest to someone that they would feel very sleepy when they heard you click your fingers, you would be wanting to see whether or not the person was in a trance state to begin with, whilst you were giving your suggestion.

You may say something such as "and sometimes it's normal to feel a little sleepy, and you know what's funny? When someone clicks their fingers it doesn't necessarily wake you up, in fact I find it draws me into an even deeper, more relaxing sleep, every time I hear such a sound".

Such a suggestion may normally work, however unless the person is visibly starting to close their eyes slightly, then it may well be that they're not responding to the suggestion at all. So what you want to do is test whether or not the person is accepting the suggestion by looking at their eye movements.

If the person's eyes start to enter into a REM or horizontal eye movement phase, then you'll know that the person is comprehending your suggestion. If on the other hand they're not, then there's a good chance the the suggestion isn't being effectively planted.

This isn't to say that you should abandon the suggestion if you don't see the person moving their eyes in a certain direction, rather it just means that you may need to make your suggestion a little more discreet whilst adopting a more hypnotic tonality, so that the person will feel more calm and relaxed whilst listening to you.

With practice, you will find covert hypnotic techniques such as these will eventually be easy to plant within just about anyone. Confidence is one of the key aspects to making all forms of hypnosis work, and if you have confidene, you will notice that your techniques will be by far more effective.

With parting words I shall say this: Covert hypnotic study is not easy. You will need to practice what you learn again and again in order to make sense of it. Many people think that they can simply read about all the techniques within this field and become effective with them just by reading them. In reality, practice is what will make this field really come to light for you.

Author's Bio: 

Steven Peliari is a Master Hypnotist and Chairman of the International Hypnosis Association . He has recently released his famed best selling course How To Hypnotize Someone , which teaches covert hypnotic techniques that you can use to apply covert hypnosis within any interpersonal setting.