Meditation isn’t necessarily measured breathing techniques, mantras and new-age music. It is possible to meditate in any number of positions - lying, sitting, standing - and it is possible to meditate while indulging in other activities.
Meditation is a state where your mind is uncluttered by thoughts. This does not mean the mind is free of thoughts, but simply that you are enjoying these thoughts without any emotion attached. It is almost as if you are at a movie or listening to music - you are not actually participating in the thoughts - you are observing them, in the same way you might watch an opera, a rugby game or television.
You don’t allow yourself to get tied up in the emotions. You notice a thought pass through your mind and simply let it go on its way. All the thoughts are simply passing through. You detach yourself from any need to react to or act on any of those thoughts.
For example, if you notice yourself thinking that the cat is purring, you can make that observation without feeling. In your normal state you might think, “Ah, nice puss” or “I wish that animal would shut up” or “what’s he doing inside, I thought I shut him out”. In your meditative state you don’t draw any conclusions or react, the thought simply exists.
This means that mediation need not be limited to sitting cross-legged on the floor with a straight back and closed eyes. Other activities can achieve the same purpose if they involve a physical activity that takes your entire concentration, leaving your mind free to relax. Some good examples are: gardening (which is also great for ‘earthing’ yourself when feeling tense or irritable), walking and running. Repetitive exercise can also be relaxing, for example, cycling, using a treadmill or stepper machine, knitting, or rowing. In fact any activity where you experience an increased sense of relaxation and find your mind lets go and unwinds.
Dancing is so wonderful that it deserves its own special mention. It encompasses movement, as well as rhythm and creativity . Dancing can be highly imaginative, as quiet or as extreme as you like and can be wonderful for unlocking the mind to focus solely on the music (if you are using it) and movements.
Creative hobbies such as painting, sculpting and pottery can also be effective forms of relaxing meditation and may help you unlock solutions to problems or identify creative alternatives. Have fun, experiment and find what works best for you.
After a successful career spanning finance, marketing and management roles in Fortune 500 companies, Talia experienced stress-induced burnout, and left the corporate world to establish a consulting business.
Talia is a published author, professional speaker and business mentor. She is also a contributing author to 101 Great Ways to Improve Your Life with Bob Proctor, John Gray and Jack Canfield.