From the book "Contemporary Parables"by Robert Elias Najemy

There is an interesting phenomenon in the physics of a magnet and its effect on a piece of iron. In order to understand this phenomenon, we must first realize that a magnet is simply a piece of ordinary iron with one simple difference: the iron molecules are all aligned with their poles oriented in the same direction. This unified alignment and polarity allows them to create a magnetic field, which gives them a power which simple pieces of iron do not have, since their molecules are neither aligned in the same direction nor are all their poles similarly oriented.However, every time a simple piece of iron comes into contact with a magnet it is slightly changed. Being subjected to that magnetic force, cause a few iron molecules to realign themselves with the same polarity in the same direction. That simple piece of iron after each contact with a magnet becomes a little more of a magnet. If we allow it to remain in contact with a magnet for many hours, or bring it into contact with the magnet many times for shorter periods of time, the iron will permanently become a magnet.

The same is true concerning the relationship between the mind - personality and the soul. The soul is like the magnet. It has special qualities of peace , love, spiritual clarity, unconditional love, inner strength, inspiration and fulfillment. When the mind or personality come into contact with the soul, or inner self, while in meditation or prayer, they temporarily obtain these qualities. But when one ceases to meditate or pray, the mind begins to function again based on old programmings.

It may seem that we have done nothing or that we have no benefit. The truth is that the mind has been changed, to some small degree, by each contact with our inner peace , with our soul. The mind is gradually oriented in a more spiritual direction, gaining clarity and becoming more powerful. Each meditation or prayer session leaves us more reoriented and our mind a little more powerful.

Just as we can magnetize a piece of iron,
we can spiritualize
our mind.

Author's Bio: 

Robert Elias Najemy, a life coach with 30 years of experience, has trained over 300 Life coaches and now does so over the Internet. Info at:
He is the author of over 20 books, 600 articles and 400 lecture cassettes on Human Harmony. Download FREE 100's of articles, find wonderful ebooks, guidance, mp3 audio lectures and teleclasses at .
His books The Psychology of Happiness, Remove Pain with Energy Psychology and six others are available at