Lupus is a disease that varies from person to person. You can suffer from milder forms of it, or you can have more severe symptoms, like inflammations in kidneys, joints and ligaments. Either way, it's important to get it properly diagnosed from the beginning, to have a starting point when starting to treat your symptoms. Since there are no permanent cure for it today, it's important to come to terms with the fact that you have to live with the disease.

It's common to suffer from depression for those suffering from it, and a lot of it has to do with the fact that it's incurable. But there are excellent help to get, whatever your symptoms might be. Your physician will help you with proper medication for it, and there is a lot of help to get from alternative medication as well. A big study done on acupuncture done on lupus patients (Read more about it in Chin Med Journal 1985;98:171-176) showed that it was very helpful, this is because acupuncture is proven to give good help on inflammatory states in the body.

Omega 3 is a substance that helps with sore muscles and joints as well.

There is a lot of excellent literature written on the subject today, facts as well as personal reflections and stories.

You need to have a holistic approach to the disease. This means, that if you think of how you eat, rest and exercise , you will fell better when it comes to the rest of your life too. And to do things you enjoy. A positive state of mind can be very hard to keep if you are in constant pain, but it will get you through it. Therefore: don't let your hobby go if you don't have to for medical reasons, do as much of it as you can. Learn to play piano. Or to knit. Keep you life going and you will be better in the end. And don't forget to ask for help when you need it.
There is help to get!

Do you want more information on lupus and how to treat it? Please visit the site
Lupus Disease Site to learn more.

Author's Bio: 

Beatrice Stephenson is a freelance writer on health and recreation issues.