You should be blissfully happy everyday. " Peace of mind" isn't just a catchphrase. It should be a reality in each of our lives...everyday! So why instead are we such quick-tempered, caffeine-driven, road-raged beings who never have enough time for anything?

It's because of the rat race! We have to live in the biggest house and drive the biggest car, and we need the biggest salary to get us there. Only instead of going after the dollars ourselves, we depend on an insensitive, inequitable corporate entity to hand feed our next paycheck to us. Why do we give these companies so much power over our lives? They have the authority to determine whether or not we will get that new car we've been wanting, and how quickly we will pay off our mortgage all because they are our sole source of income.

We've all seen it before: a coworker is suddenly called into the boss's office, and the door is closed. Without knowing a word that was spoken in their "private meeting," we are immediately aware of the situation upon seeing their despondent expression as they are escorted out of the building by a security guard. It can happen to anyone! There is no such thing as job security these days, no matter what position you hold in a company.

In my experience with the corporate world, I have seen countless "top level executives" fired at the drop of a hat. There was no warning at all. That (among other things) was my cue to start finding my way to the road of self-sufficiency...the road less traveled. I have always been a person who gives 200% effort in anything I do. The thought of a company that I've been with for 5 or 10 years suddenly forgetting about all of the hard work I've put in, and "letting me go" was totally unacceptable to me. I decided to go into business for myself.

Life is filled with enough stress and concern without wondering whether you'll be able to make the mortgage payment next month. Take matters into your own hands! Start acting on that business idea you've had since college. With sincere dedication and perseverance, each one of us can do absolutely anything we put our minds to. It doesn't matter where we come from or how much we have. We are all in a position to make our situations better. It just takes work...hard work, actually. But the payoff is incredible.

Have you ever been in your car sitting at a red light, and really taken the time to focus on your surroundings? I'd be willing to bet that there is evidence all around you that others are starting businesses everyday. The US economy is fueled by small businesses. According to the US Census Bureau, in 2002 there were 21,788,151 businesses in the United States with less than $1 million in annual revenue. That means there is approximately 1 small business for every 14 people in the US. That is extraordinary! It speaks volumes about the strong entrepreneurial spirit here in America.

We've all heard of other countries calling this the Land of Opportunity. That's because it is! Take advantage of your environment. Make it work for you. Put in the work: I am certain that you will soon be enjoying more time with family and friends, and realizing new opportunities for the things you love to do. You're worth it!

Author's Bio: 

Suzanne realized she was ready for a change after spending eight years in the corporate sector. She founded Kehns Research Enterprises with the desire to help others in realizing their dream of total independence. Get the "behind the scenes" support you need to land you where you really want to be. Life is too short to "settle." Visit for business plans, grant research & proposals, legal research & writing services, technical writing, and miscellaneous research assistance.