Personal Power Path announces the latest update to their online manage anger program.

"If individuals tend to express their anger outwardly, alcohol will 'turn up the volume,' so that such a person will express anger more frequently and more intensely," says Amos Zeichner, Ph.D., University of Georgia*.

Alcohol enables anger. Pent up or repressed anger can surface after a couple of drinks. Inhibitions are released, thus enabling anger to build as the conversation overheats.

Hangovers may result from the intersection of too much alcohol along and over-stimulated hormones. Under the influence of a hangover, there is a high likelihood of temper elevation and physical over-reaction.

Mix a lethal cocktail. Combine a large quantity of alcohol with a shot of uncontrolled anger and you could get both physical and verbally-abusive violence. When the ability to manage anger is impaired while under the influence, people tend to say and do things that they often later regret.

Admit to the problem. Human beings make mistakes. The hardest step to take is first one -- admitting to the problem and doing something about it before it gets out of control.

Warning signs of anger and alcohol abuse . Drink alcohol more often than two to three times per week. Get aggressive towards loved ones. Enjoy being reclusive. Use anger as a defense and are somewhat depressed and directionless. Tend to be confrontational in non-threatening situations.

Personal Power, an online resource that helps people manage anger, has developed a proprietary program to help people to identify and better manage anger. Using a combination of education, motivation and support, people seeking help to manage anger are taught to modify behavior, build self-esteem and stay focused. The program is available online and through DVD.

For more information on anger management programs, visit .