It's happened to everyone. You take your camera out for a "Kodak" moment, pose everyone like you want and then "click" you've captured the perfect photo opportunity. Or did you? Suddenly someone shouts, "You had the lens cap on dummy!" Obviously, you were unable to focus that picture and unfortunately it will never be developed.

This same idea of prepared focus can be applied to the dreams you plan for your life's accomplishments. Remember, a dream is quite attainable once you have the proper mindset. Over the years, my heart-felt vigilance in my life has taught me that every time I was out of focus on my goals I was less likely to see them fulfilled.

So, just as the covered lens distorted the possibility of a clear photograph, unfocused goals are half-baked, watered down wishes. In order to succeed one must overcome the habits that hold you back and understand your purpose with clarity and concentration.

Everytime you see your visions clearly you will be able to change everything in your life so that you attract successful events. The reason so many people "wish" to be successful without ever realizing it is an unfocused mindset never identifies with a vivid plan of excellence. Life is not a course in rocket science however there is a fomula that equates to triumph.

ASK and it shall be given.
SEEK and you will find.
KNOCK and the door will be opened.

Knowledge is truly a force that can empower you when it is applied in a concise, precise and accurate manner. All knowledge is stored in books . Yet books do one no good if you cannot focus and apply the lessons you read.

Apply the principles of knowledge and unlock the power that is within you. Then let your individual success ring everlastingly clear as a bell. Effective and realistic goal setting are the basic elements of the most successful people of our times. No matter what arena of life you aspire to you must have a plan. A plan allows you to target your focus and be relentless in the your accomplishments. This will boost your confidence and each accomplishment will be a springboard to the next stage in your development.

Be realistic and display confidence. You will find that there will be nothing that you cannot achieve based upon your individual gifts. It is impossible to comfortable and enterprising at the same time so learn to do things out of your comfort zone and your life will double in spiritual, mental and material richness. Follow your blueprint for success and keep progressing.

I want to present to you eleven elements of clarity that will help you command the knowledge that removes the lens cap on your camera of life, so that you can focus on your dreams .

1.)Establish a strong sense of purpose.
2.)Be prepared for sacrifice.
3.)Visualize success.
4.)Keep a journal.
5.)Create boundaries that keep you focused.
6.)Have a true, practical and genuine outlook.
7.)Gauge your attitude as you progress.
8.)Seek wise counsel from those who've been there, done that!
9.)Thrive with passion , compassion, humor and style.
10.)Follow through on your dream.
11.)Repeat steps 1-10.

All positive energy is interchangeable with a strong mindset both conscious and subconsciously. A strong positive mindset wil help you sculpt a pattern of excellence. Create a mission statement for yourself. We are what we are conditioned to be, therefore the values and choices of your positive mind reinforce your universal plan to acheive your goals.

Establish a Strong Sense of Purpose

Ask yourself what is your prpose in life?

Author's Bio: 

Kevin Lankford is President and founder of Lankford Enteprise. He is also the author of a soon to be realeased best selling book BETTERING YOUR BEST. His innovative web site is designed to help others to improve their lives and their results by utilizing their strengths. Copyright 2004 Kevin Lankford All Rights Reserved. Bettering Your Best, Web-Spin, Lankford Enterprise are trademarks of Kevin Lankford. Visit us on the web: Aol Link