IrongeezerSays: “It’s your choice!”

A healthy lifestyle is made up of lots of small choices. Below, are a few ideas -- ways that you can improve your eating habits by choosing to do things just slightly differently.

If you normally... then try this instead!
Use whole or 2% milk… use fat free milk .
Drink soda….drink 100% juice.
Eat dessert…eat fruit for dessert.
Have second helpings…put the food away as soon as you serve.
Eat big portions…eat off a smaller plate .
Eat a lot of white bread or pasta…go for a variety of whole-grain foods.
Use butter…try oils low in saturated fats
Eat fast food on the road…pack fruits and vegetables for car rides.
Eat red meat…Prepare lean cuts of beef or pork, skinless chicken or turkey, or fish.
Snack on chips and junk food…keep fruits and veggies in the fridge instead.
Fry your food….grill or roast your food instead.


Author's Bio: 

Cliff Eggink is a USA Triathlon certified coach as well as a lifestyle consultant.