INDIUM is not essential for life but INDIUM appears to be essential for optimal disease free longevity . The original patented INDIUMEASE, the Silver Bullet , is the latest ,greatest nutrient ,a powerful mineral and people on INDIUM supplement gave unsolicited testimonials of better concentration, clarity, and memory, less irritability and depression , less migraines and headaches, more energy, greater stamina, less fatigue, better sleep, greater awareness and vitality, less appetite and a quickening of body sensitivity and a greater sense of well being!
Dr Henry Alfred Schroeder , MD, a toxicologist, reported that Indium improved the absorption of minerals from 60% to 694%. In fact he deduced that levels of minerals in the major human organs are proportional to and dependent upon the rare and hard to absorb trace mineral Indium.
Indium is the #49th mineral on the periodic table of 100 elements, and is considered to be the "missing link", unifying and catalyzing the largest two mineral groups usable in the human body, correcting multiple mineral deficiencies.
. This study, continued by George Bonadio found also that Indium was anti cancerous and anti carcinogenic. He discovered that INDIUM had an as yet unidentified anti-carcinogenic, anti-cancer function and anti-aging factor.
Bonadio reports that INDIUM supplementation reduced Alzheimer tremors (30%-80%in 10days). He declared that INDIUM normalizes the pituitary -hypothalamus master glands regulating all endocrine gland systems in the body, balancing dozens of hormones, Human Growth Hormone , DHEA and many steroids. In fact INDIUM's cancer preventing effects may be much higher than Schroeder first thought.
The first effect people report is better sleep and recuperation, better attitude, vision, hearing, and mobility. Food is being better absorbed , mineral reserves are accumulating, body fitness improves and the body /mind /spirit is on a high performance. The good feeling people experience , dispels anxiety and depression, as well being and self confidence improve, characterised by thinking ,seeing ,hearing and moving progressively better.
INDIUM may improve visual acuity and lesson glaucoma eye ball pressure. It is reported to improve fine circulation lesson blood viscosity, plaque and cholesterol on artery wall deposits, varicose veins slowly regain normalcy and skin texture
INDIUM may nomalize growth rate in growth stunted children possibly by restoring normal DNA glandular function. INDIUM supplementation is reported to lesson Attention Deficit Disorder ( ADD ) enabling challenged adolescents to learn maths and language skills.
INDIUM is known to improve athletic performance, efficiently removing muscle lactic acid waste, and mineralising the muscles. Dr. Lyons reported extended exercise performance, increased endurance and stamina.
CAUTION: Avoid taking INDIUM with Creatine as it raises Creatine by 500% to a toxic level. Allow INDIUM to build normal glandular output to youth days without taking hormones.
INDIUM is reported to help libido and sex life in both genders, defines gender dominance and may regulate the menses cycle and may lesson menopause hot flashes and night sweats
Dr..Lyons reported INDIUM supplementation gave less thymus cancers ,carcinogenic metastases and bone cancers. INDIUM also reduced terminal cancer pains and lowered needed pain medications.
INDIUM is reported to help libido and sex life in both genders, and defines gender dominance
Because INDIUM is a systematic gland rebuilder and hormone enhancer, it restores thyroid and liver hormones improves metabolism of calories, lessens deposits of fat and creates leaner muscle mass.
By raising overall body /mind/spirit/energy level, INDIUM indirectly stimulates activity and exercise, which help improve circulation and oxygenation, promotes calorie burning and muscle tone, detoxification, overall physical fitness, active lifestyle, positive mental attitude and progressive outlook.
Nutritionists know chromium enhances pancreatic hormone insulin that regulates muscle building protein and carbohydrate energy and storage removing blood sugar and artery fats. INDIUM raises Chromium performance 333% in several endocrine glands ,better precursing the "Glucose Tolerance Factor "insulin which lowers high blood sugar, hypoglycemia, and lessens insulin dependence shots in type 2 adult-onset diabetes(80%-100% in 1-3 weeks)
Indiumease can be bought at

Author's Bio: 

Betty Hart is a retired Education Officer. She spent 45 years in this field educating children. Having served people all her life ,she still desires to continue in this capacity, so she has done extensive research in the field of health. She believes in taking supplements to reverse the signs of aging and products to detoxify the body and keep it from getting diseases. She has done a lot of experimenting on herself and has identified a few very exclusive and fine products for maintaining health at a very high standard. She supplies these products to the international community from her website Http:// . Betty has also been a member of ECKANKAR for the past twenty five years. This has helped to mould her into the person she is now . A person who believes that she is a Divine Spark of God whose main purpose on Earth is to serve humanity. She tries to do this in what ever way that she can,serving with love and humility., She has chosen this field of health as she has always been interested in health products and in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.