The brain is the organ that is responsible for our thoughts and to enhance our mental ability, there are various ways that we can develop IQ accordingly. Take note of the following because these things may help you in discovering how:

Writing Is Essential

Do you write more often than you do? Somehow make it your hobby or a part of your job maybe? If not then you should start doing so, why? Because writing is good for the brain and it's beneficial to it in a lot of ways including the following:

1. It's a memory enhancer because it allows your memory to work to tell you what is necessary and that will make the process of remembering things easier for you eventually.

2. Same way in practicing your ability to create as well as enhancing your logical abilities.

You can then engage in various writing activities such as article writing, creative writing, news writing or even the simpler ones for instance writing diaries and some poetry. engaging in these writing activities would absolutely be beneficial to enhancing your brain's inherent ability.

Try Getting Into Speed Reading

Aside from writing, reading is also one way of enhancing your brains ability to comprehend. Speed reading can contribute by learning things in just a nick of time. This could be a very good exercise for your brain. You speed-read by reading just the initial and the ending paragraph of a certain literature to get just the necessary information you need. Try this with any reading material available for you and you'll see the effect after some time.

One Should Learn Something In An Efficient Manner

For every learning session one should be able to formulate self questions that would create an abstract thought as well as practice logical thinking. from the beginning of the study session one should be able to write down notes for a specific outline of what has been discusses. Of course you need a little time to stretch out so the whole session won't be that boring.

Practical Methods for Clear Thinking Should Be Applied

The initial response to this is to be organized. If you are organized, the possibility for you to work with a clear mind would be endless. If you will be working on a tough job that involves difficult intellectual process you should breath in deeply and then breathe out before beginning your work. What you need is time and space for a non-disturbing brainstorming activity.

Stay Clear From Food Where You can Acquire Allergies

Food usually are the main source of allergy and these may include peanuts, dairy products, corn as well as wheat. If you are having doubts with one of those listed above then you have to double check if you are allergic with food that contains them. Having food that you are allergic to ingested to your system may cause further issues as well as mental exhaustion.

Take In Fish To Speed Up Your Brain

We all know that food contributes to the performance of the organs in out body and the same thing applies with our brain. There are some research about fish providing the ability of the brain to produce more waves that produces the constant diligence and attention of the brain to something. They say that fish bears a reciprocal relationship with decreasing the relative degree of depression .

Consider Compounds Like Creatine To Help The Brain

Creatine is an amino acid which supplies energy to the muscles and is usually a substance found in meat. Athletes actually us this compound for supplying more energy for their muscles to work accordingly. One can engage in taking creatine supplements and is said to be beneficial for the brain too.

Herbs May Help

Are you aware that herbs can actually contribute in enhancing the brain's consciousness? many would say that a herb called Rosemary can awaken ones senses including awakening the brain itself. There haven't been any studies that have proven this as a fact but you may try by sniffing the herb to see if it definitely is effective.

Exercise is a Must

Do you exercise more often than you usually do? You should do so because exercising over a relatively long time would not be only beneficial for your over all health but to your brain as well. Having been able to get into a ten-minute aerobic session is said to be beneficial to enhancing the brain's cognitive role. You may try going up the stirs and then down afterwards as a bit of exercise for you and your brain.

Brain Entertainment and Exercises As Tools

There are certain tools that would definitely help you both via entertaining your brain as well as prove your brain a state of readiness and alertness in doing its role for whatever purpose. You will be able to encounter certain products that would help your brain waves go through a customary way of behavior that tends to bring about good intellectual thinking.

On the other hand, brain exercises like performing computation while driving in your car would be very beneficial for your brain. The brain doesn't only appreciate entertainment but as well as maximizing it's usage would definitely give good results for your brain being active enough. if you exercise your brain more often, you will not be suffering from memory gap that soon.

Speed Up The Brain In Doing What You Enjoy

Whatever you enjoy doing yourself either if it a physical activity or something that you enjoy by just sitting in a chair would be fun for your brain too. Although you have to take note that watching the television is not part of being beneficial for your brain. If you engage in an enjoyable activity and you don't worry that much, you clear up you brain and that is where you get to improve your thinking.

Conform Yourself To Various Conditions

Believing that your brain can do what is more expected of it would actually turn out to be a reality wen time comes. Let's say that you have an achievement where you have obtained success, you should look into to it and pay close attention to it. Being able to collect your achievements that has been obtained because of your intellectual ability would make you experience more of it's nature in the time yet to come.

Assume The Same Functions of Role Models

Aside from yourself there are other people who we can say is intelligent, creative and marked with great fruitfulness. take note of what others do and then emulate them. This is somehow what they call neuro-linguistic programming. but if you prefer talking to them personally beware that these successful people don't merely have the understanding what they tend to be successful so don't rely much on their word of advice.

Talking as an Exercise

Your Brain will benefit from talking if you actually using if for exercising purposes. Let's say you are not that comprehensive about something, try to take the challenge by explaining to someone you know to help you in making everything clear for your perception.

Keep Away From Inessential Arguments

If you would really like to improve your IQ you should always have an open mind to things. Certain arguments that involve stepping onto someone's ego may not be beneficial on your part. So when you reason out just for the sake of winning a conversation that there really is no intelligible meaning then this will not be a valuable activity for your brain.

Author's Bio: 

Vlad Stivenson, author of numerous IQ Tests and developer of accurate personality test .