Your child has at least 10 times better chance to become a Genius than Edison had!

Because Edison was not a bright student. He was labeled as “slow learner” by his teachers. And was removed from school!

But Edison’s mother, Nancy Elliot Edison, did not accept her son as ‘dull.’ She motivated, encouraged, taught Edison to learn at his own speed and style.

She made him to ‘persist’ till he got the expected result. Edison got interested in learning . He became a voracious reader. And at the age of 10, he had set up a laboratory in his basement.

As a final result of all this, the world got a Big Genius.

The so called ‘dull student’ became such an achiever that when he died, he had more than thousand US patents to his credit! And few more from other countries as well.

Many of them, like the light-bulb, the phonograph, and the motion picture camera, were brilliant creations that made a big influence on our everyday life.

Through love, patience and belief in her son, Nancy Edison transformed him into a Genius from a ‘dull’ student. This is what parents can do to their children.

And if Edison’s mother can turn around her son like this, then why not we?If Edison can become a genius than why not your children?

Now does this sound like a tall order?

I bet it does. Most parents and even children shy away from the word ‘Genius.’ It seems too high, too perfect.

But I feel that the word genius is grossly misunderstood. In fact Edison himself said, “Genius is 99 percent perspiration and one percent inspiration .”

Being genius doesn’t mean that you should be a perfect human being, expert in all work and achieve success all the time. No.

It simply means to be an expert in our chosen work or career. To know everything there is to know about OUR WORK and do our best in it.

If you observe Edison’s inventions, you will realize that he worked on things related to physics. It was the area of his expertise. He did not work on biology or geography or other careers available during his time.

So can we say he was expert in all work, all areas? Of course not.And Edison was not always successful.

While working on light bulb, he failed hundreds of times before he invented a workable model! It seems, “Not to Quit” was his secret mantra for success!

Well, what about being a perfect human being?

Perfect human beings do not exist. We humans are constantly changing and evolving with time. We are all here to learn and improve.

So you see, it is not impossible to turn your children into Genius or Extraordinary Achievers. You can also put your children on the right path to big success.

Here are three powerful formulas which I always encourage parents to use. They never fail to work:

1. Find out your children’s interest and talent or skill.

2. Guide your children to chose career based on their interest, talent or skill. Also make sure that this career has good demand in the market.

3. Help your children to learn everything there is to learn about their CHOSEN career.

The above three simple formulas help children to select a career which suits them better and help them to achieve success easily.

When dreams , imagination and persistent actions are mixed together, impossible things become possible. You and your child can do this, Start NOW!

Author's Bio: 

B.K Narayan is personal success consultant, trainer and author of ‘Success Mindware’ a complete self-development course for children. Download his FREE ‘Positive Parenting’ ebook and Success Training manual for children at