I offer you a gift of power.
It will save you lots of heartache and wasted time and money. It will also prove to be the single most important factor in your success, not just in my business but any business! It is the silver bullet that you can use to overcome any challenge between you and where you want to be. It is the secret that can make you as powerful as anyone you know or have ever heard of. Once I got it, my life changed instantly and forever.
I give to you a one-word question: "Why?"
Why do you need to be successful in a business? If you cannot answer that question in a way that moves your emotions, you will probably not be as successful as you need to be. Sorry to break that news to you, but that's the plain ugly truth. Listen to people talk around you. They spend a lot of time talking about wants (when they are not complaining) but seldom about "whys." On a rare occasion when you hear someone follow a "want" with a "why," watch them. They are about to make something happen!
Once you are honest with yourself and brave enough to look your "why" right in the eyes, then success becomes a simple matter of time. There are two things that can dramatically accelerate you forward, when you have a good "why": your vehicle and your team.
Your vehicle is not your car, but that is a great way to imagine it. Your vehicle is the metaphor in which you choose to operate. It could be a business, an art, an organization or a mission. (If you are really blessed it will be all four.) It will have rules, processes and direction in place. It will allow you to feel forward movement. Much of the vehicle operation will be learnable, repeatable and teachable. Your vehicle will be fueled by the very thing it creates as a byproduct -- your passion disguised as talent.
Your team will be the people that share your future view of yourself and where your vehicle is going.
The best part is when you clearly have your "why," your teammates will just show up. And they show up prepared to play with you, run with you, and win.
That, my friend, is all there is in business or, as best as I can tell, in everything else.
Most people focus on "how" because that is what they see when a person with a "why" is getting things done. So they copy and try to recreate what they see, the "how." That "how" slowly turns into a question that they never seem to answer for themselves.
Which question do you ask yourself most often? Why? Or How?
I have now given you what I believe, after years of study and research, to be the key to limitless possibility in your life.
"Why?" you may ask?
Exactly is my answer. Exactly!
Earl Mann is fueled by the passion to share practical ideas on performance psychology.