Modern clinical hypnotherapy is a natural, holistic way of helping people to heal themselves. It uses no medicines or tablets, simply utilising the power of the subconscious mind to bring about the positive changes a person wishes to see in their lives, freeing them to be the person they are meant to be.

Hypnosis is not a therapy in itself, although the effects of simply being in hypnosis are very beneficial – physical relaxation and lowered stress levels. Therapy is carried out whilst you are in hypnosis because the conscious critical mind is then bypassed, enabling direct communication with the subconscious mind, where all our habits and patterns of thought and behaviour are stored.

You can think of the mind as a computer, with the often repeated habits stored on the hard drive. Using hypnosis to access the hard-drive, you can uninstall or over-write old programmes of negative habits such as smoking, nail biting or repetitive negative thoughts, and install the new positive habits you wish to experience in their place, such as feeling calm, relaxed and in control.

There are many old wive’s tales about hypnosis and you may fear that you are giving up your control to the hypnotist if you have seen stage shows, but this is simply not true. You are in control at all times and you cannot be coerced into giving up your secrets or saying or doing anything against your own wishes. There is a list a frequently asked questions and answers about hypnosis on: .

Hypnotherapy is a co-operative process and requires commitment and some hard work from both therapist and client. In 2008, hypnotherapists are using the most up-to-date techniques to find and remove the root cause of client’s problems, worries and fears. NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) and the new energy psychologies such as EFT ( emotional freedom techniques ) are used alongside traditional analysis and age regression techniques. Our clients are taught self-help procedures such as self-hypnosis and EFT, giving them practical tools to use to help them reduce stress and negative thinking for the rest of their lives.

EFT ( ) is simple and practical method to reduce anxiety and stress of all types which is quick to do and easy to learn. It involves tapping lightly on points around the face and upper body whilst focussing on the problem in hand. EFT uses the same principles as acupuncture , the traditional Chinese medicine meridian system, in fact it is like acupuncture without the needles.

The combination of hypnotherapy with EFT is excellent for helping you to:
•Achieve Self acceptance
•Build Self Confidence & Esteem
•Eliminate Bad Habits
•Enjoy Public Speaking
•Excel in Sports
•Improve Memory
•Increase Concentration
•Learn to Relax
•Lose Weight & Maintain Goal Weight
•Manage Stress & Nervousness
•Manage Pain & Discomfort
•Normalise Blood Pressure
•Overcome Exam Anxiety
•Overcome Fears & Phobias
•Relief from Allergies & Asthma
•Release Grief & Sorrow
•Remove Blushing
•Remove Panic Attacks
•Sleep Well
•Stop Nail Biting
•Stop Smoking
•Unleash Sales Ability
And Much More....

The number of sessions needed depends on the severity of the problem and how long it has been present. Simpler habit based problems such as smoking, nail biting and in some cases slimming, can be helped in one to four sessions, each session lasting around an hour. Deeper rooted or more severe anxiety based problems may require up to ten sessions. For the majority of problems, five to seven sessions will be indicated.

To obtain further information about any aspect of hypnotherapy or New Horizons Clinic, please contact Helen Ryle by email to or by phone on 00353 87 7734914. I will be glad to have an informal chat over the phone, and will send you our explanatory brochures and a CD with a hypnotic relaxation and stress reduction session. We can also arrange a short introductory chat in the clinic without charge or obligation, to assess whether hypnotherapy is right for you and if so, how it can help you.
Hypnosis works – for good.

Author's Bio: 

Helen Ryle, MICHP is a Clinical Hypnotherapist and Meridian Therapies Certified Trainer who works with clients for anxiety and stress disorders, also smoking cessation and permanent weight release, at the New Horizons Clinic, Collis-Sandes House, Oakpark, Tralee. Tel 00353 87 7734914. .