If you have recently developed kidney failure and have also undergone heart bypass surgery, the Trasylol may have been the cause. For people who were administered Trasylol during their heart bypass surgery may have caused their kidney failure. Trasylol, manufactured by Bayer Pharmaceuticals, has been linked to cause kidney complications and failure. Trasylol is used during heart bypass surgeries to limit the amount of blood needed to sustain life while the surgery is being done on the heart. Doctors have predominately used Trasylol for the last couple of years in these types of surgeries. But what both patients and doctors alike don’t know is that there has been a linkage of Heart Bypass and Kidney failure. Kidney complications and failure is a very serious condition in which many cases end in death . This serious issue has been the main subject of many lawsuits recently in which Bayer has been deemed liable.

Heart Bypass surgery is a pretty invasive procedure which is needed to relieve chest pressure as well as hard or clogged arteries. Viable arteries are taken from other places in the body to replace those that are damaged and deemed unusable. Patients suffer form intense chest pain due to the minimal flow of blood and lack of oxygen due to the damages arteries. Heart Bypass surgery is a very common surgery that had a very high survival rate, until recently. Heart Bypass and Kidney Failure are now being linked together since recently undergoing a heart bypass caused kidney failure. However this only occurs when the heart bypass and kidney failure are supported by the drug Trasylol. For Trasylol is the root of the kidney failure stemming back to the Heart Bypass surgery. Trasylol was finally recalled from the market in 2007 after a private study was presented to the FDA. It was later found out that Bayer did their own study two years before the private study finding that heart bypass and kidney failure are linked together by Trasylol.

The devastating side effects that stem from Trasylol not only include kidney failure but also other types of complications in the chest cavity. However since both doctors and patients had no idea that the two were linked nothing could be done in terms of preventions and treatment. Kidney failure almost always results in death if the complications are very prominent and staggered. Most of the time a patient had no idea that they were administered Trasylol because they were never given that information because it was never that important. The use of Trasylol has been linked to cause over 20,000 deaths, which has been the most significant drug recall case in the past decade. If you or a loved one has had a heart bypass and kidney failure, then chances are that it occurred because of the use of Trasylol. Contact a Trasylol attorney today to discuss your case and options of a lawsuit. Trasylol attorneys are very experienced and knowledgeable in product liability cases and are willing to stand up for you in a court of law.

Author's Bio: 

Paul Justice gives advice to clients who are looking for attorneys to handle personal injury related cases such as kidney failure.To know more about Trasylol legal case, trasylol drug recall, trasylol lawyers, heart bypass and kidney failure visit www.trasylollawsuit.net