Lucid dreaming, or the ability to become consciously aware of dreaming while in the dream state, has been proven since the late 1970's. For years, lucid dreamers have discussed their lucid dream adventures of flying, interacting with dream figures, and influencing the dream landscape. But now, long-time lucid dreamer and author, Robert Waggoner, reports that some lucid dreamers are using this state to heal their physical bodies, often with dramatic results.

Waggoner, who is president-elect of the International Association for the Study of Dreams (IASD), has been experimenting with lucid dreaming for over thirty years. He has logged over 1,000 lucid dream experiences, and follows the field closely.

In his recently released book Lucid Dreaming: Gateway to the Inner Self (Moment Point Press 2009), Waggoner devotes a chapter to lucid dreamer's successful and unsuccessful attempts at healing their physical bodies. While noting lucid dream researcher, Dr. Stephen LaBerge has conclusively shown in sleep labs that lucid dream events appear to parallel brain events, Waggoner reports some lucid dreamers have taken this idea further. Through focused intent, they sought to heal themselves while consciously aware in the dream state.

"Being consciously aware in the dream state may allow the lucid dreamer to influence unconscious body mechanisms, much like excellent subjects in deep hypnosis ," Waggoner reports. "In any case, the anecdotal reports show lucid dreamers have had apparent success with stopping internal bleeding, reducing fever and signs of infection, speeding recovery from fractures, reducing uterine cysts, and healing scar tissue."

Lucid dreamers sought to achieve healing in a variety of ways, Waggoner notes. Aware in the dream, some consciously manipulated their dream body and mentally projected healing thoughts on the diseased area. Others directed healing intent to the diseased area, which often manifested as light shooting from their hands. One group decided to create a healing environment or healing potion, while aware in the dream.

One lucid dream researcher, E.W. Kellogg III, Ph.D., has done the most to investigate lucid dream healing. "Ed first experimented on himself in 1984 by becoming lucidly aware in a dream, and seeking to heal a severely infected tonsil," Waggoner explains. "Upon waking, the signs of infection and the pain had decreased by about 95%. With Ed's doctorate in biochemistry, he takes a very scientific approach to this subject and has pioneered healing in lucid dreams ."

Some lucid dreamers did not report any noticeable success with their attempts at lucid dream healing. This group, Waggoner discovered, was more likely to try indirect methods of healing, such as seeking medical advice in the lucid dream. "It appears," says Waggoner, "that lucid dreamers who seem to have success with healing, act directly on the problem, focus their healing intent, and have a stronger expectation of success.

Author's Bio: 

Lucid dream expert Robert Waggoner is president-elect of the International Association for the Study of Dreams (IASD) and author of Lucid Dreaming: Gateway to the Inner Self (Moment Point Press 2009)