Created From an article in Vision Magazine by Jesse Wolfe Hardin

The Burden Basket is a metaphor for the psychological and emotional load we inevitably carry…for what we commit to, or hold ourselves responsible for, for what we accumulate in our lives, from belongings to beliefs. It is vital that we periodically and/or ritually clean out the basket. Empty everything out, turn your basket upside down, then sense, discern, and choose, what to organize and retain, and what to let go. All that you are attached to, feel obligated to or committed to…both healthy and unhealthy, are in this basket.It is time to empty out the good with the bad…to empty not partially and preferentially but totally, so that anything in there when we put the basket back on will be a relationship, pattern or promise that we have consciously and willingly chosen to bear.

Allow an image to form, of a gently sloping path leading up the side of a mountain. When you are ready, begin walking up the path, and as you walk, a shallow cave appears. Imagine yourself going into the cave and sitting down next to a mirror-like, shallow pool of water. You realize that you are carrying a basket on your back and, you decide, whenever you’re ready, to take this basket off and empty the entire contents onto the floor of the cave. As you look at every item, determine what is precious, meaningful and useful, as well as all that weighs on you, if only for a pivotal period.
Just as there is an option to hang onto everything no matter how much it weighs you down there is also an option, when repacking, to keep it light.

Carefully pick up what is essential and empowering, and, one by one, put them back in the basket. You decide what is best to enable you to move forward with significance, intention and result, towards opportunity, new experience, new revelation, and new depths of understanding.

You might have a tendency to look at your reflection in the pool noticing how you have changed.

And when you are ready…thank the images for sharing this journey with you.

Count them out then discuss what they released and what they kept. This gives clients insight and you more information for additional sessions.

Author's Bio: 

Karen studied at Valley College, Santa Monica College and UCLA. majoring in accounting and history. She has run her own company for the past 32 years focusing on small businesses. She has been a registered tax preparer in California for 32 years. In the 1980’s and 90’s Karen was involved with a grassroots coalition that wrote legislation and successfully lobbied a bill in Sacramento that required law enforcement to be trained in how to respond to domestic violence calls. She then was on a task force from the state attorney general’s office to write the curriculum and trained LAPD implementing those guidelines. She was also the Community Education Coordinator for Sojourn Services for Battered Women doing workshops at UCLA, USC, CSUN, numerous Los Angeles hospitals, and doing major media appearances. In addition, Karen set up a model project for the Department of Justice in the LA City Attorney’s office.
Karen graduated from the Hypnosis Motivational Institute in 2007. With offices in Tarzana she has been successfully helping her clients recreate their lives. I currently live in her motor home with her partner of 25 years, 2 dogs and 2 cats.
Isn’t it time you find your personal power, reclaim your life with dignity and direction so you can realize your dreams and achieve your goals.
My specialty is helping you overcome perceived limitation created by fear, stress, pain or low self-esteem. Using a combination of highly effective tools you can find the breakthrough you are seeking by releasing negatives and replacing them with positive more effective life choices.
Certified Hypnotherapist
Certified Master of Therapeutic Imagery
Advanced Handwriting Analyist
Certified Past Life Regressionist
Emotional Freedom Technique
Emotional Release Therapy
Neuro Linguistic Programming
Life Coach
Mastermind Group Facilitator
Seminar & Workshop Leader
Reiki Master

Professional Affiliations:
American Hypnosis Association
Hypnotherapists Union Local#472
International Hypnosis Federation
Universal Life Church
Business Networking International