Bronchitis is an inflammation or infection of the lung’s airways, or bronchial tubes sometimes called the bronchi. Bronchitis, can be classified based on length of time someone has symptoms as either acute or chronic. Chronic bronchitis is longer term and is closely associated with cigarette smoking. The smokers cough is symptomatic of chrnic bronchitis. This is not to say however that chronic bronchitis is only caused by smoking, only that this is a common ailment of many smokers.

Chronic bronchitis is typically caused by exposure to smoke or other air pollutants. Those pollutants may include many environmental odors such as those caused from chemicals and product fumes. It's important to realize that bronchitis is an inflammation or infection that has a beginning.

That beginning, at least for chronic bronchitis sufferers, is being around odors and fumes, dust exposure, our primary and secondhand smoke. While acute bronchitis is more short-term and typical in many people with influenza or other viral infections chronic bronchitis can go on for months, and sometimes years.

Recent research has suggested that acid reflux disease may also cause or aggravate an already compromised bronchial system. Stomach acid, moving up through the esophagus has been associated with chronic bronchitis by the Mayo Clinic

The more common signs and symptoms of an upper respiratory infection include a constant hacking cough. The coughing is an effort by the body to remove and clear yellow or green mucus that's clogging passageways

Chronic bronchitis is often associated with the yellow or green mucus that's coughed up a by the person with bronchitis. This is an indication an infection, because as the air passages become more inflamed, mucus is produced to fight off the infection.

Other common signs and symptoms of an upper respiratory infection, such as bronchitis may include...

Difficulty BreathingCongestion
A Tight Feeling around the Chest

Wheezing sounds a lot like a whistling sound when breathing. It has sometimes been characterized as if there was an air leak when someone with this condition is breathing. Although not typically dangerous, wheezing is definitely a symptom of a respiratory infection.

A visit to your medical doctor is appropriate, if only to obtain relief from the coughing. This is important because as the coughing becomes more violent, it becomes increasingly more likely to cause additional problems like a pulled chest muscle.

Author's Bio: 

Abigail Franks has done extensive research into Asthma, allergies, and their triggers. Visit the Asthma site for more information on bronchitis and asthma and allergies