Follow-up is one of the most important steps in customer service , sales, and in any type of business in which you are hoping to make a sale.


Follow up shows people that you care that their experience went well and if they were happy with the service.

Or in the case of a prospect, it brings you and your product or service back to the top of their mind and increases the likelihood of closing a sale.

Too often, people have bad experiences and the companies don't care, don't know or they may not even have a system in place to take complaints.

Today, customers and clients are hard to get but they can be so easy and quick to lose. One small thing could go wrong and maybe you didn't even see it. The next thing you know, or even worse you don't know, and you have lost a high paying client for good.

Make an attempt to follow up with all of your prospects and clients. Even if they are not a client yet, you can show them you care and it will be a good example to prospective clients what type of customer service they will receive when they do become a customer.

A communication gap between a business and its clients is the biggest reason a client is lost. Always try to find out how their experience went and if they are happy with the service. The sooner you know something is wrong, the sooner you can work with the client or prospect to fix it and you will have a chance of building a strong relationship with them.

You never want your prospects and clients to think you don't care. If you are so busy and you don't have time to follow up, either make the time or have someone help you. If you don't make the time, you might find yourself with too much time on your hands because you have no clients at all.

To your success!

Author's Bio: 

David Mason is president of Mason Performance Development Inc., a Speaker, Trainer, Performance Development Coach and internationally best-selling author.

Find out more about David and how he can improve your results and be sure to take the complimentary Coaching Assessment at

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