To many people hypnosis seems exotic, mysterious, maybe even a bit mystical. Therefore it is difficult for many to connect with hypnosis , and to understand how they can personally benefit from hypnosis . Hypnosis is not mystical, and it is only mysterious when you don't know how it works--much like any other skilled profession.

Hypnosis is no more exotic or mysterious than dentistry. The only difference is we see a dentist on a regular basis throughout our entire life, but are much less likely to experience professional hypnosis, or hypnotherapy. Hypnosis is a natural state that everyone experiences on a daily basis. At a minimum, you are in hypnosis twice a day. You pass through a hypnotic state as you fall asleep, and as you wake up. You may also experience hypnosis "zoning" in front of the TV, or you may experience "highway hypnosis," when you reach your destination but don't remember the details of the drive.

Sure, stage hypnosis is funny and the comedic hypnotists work hard to keep hypnosis mysterious--it's part of the show. But if this is the only exposure you've had to hypnotism, you've only scratched the surface. Hypnotism has many more practical uses that can benefit your everyday life.

Here are five common, everyday issues that hypnosis can help you with.

1. Insomnia. Hypnosis is incredibly effective for relieving insomnia. Most patients get relief within one session. Even people who have suffered from insomnia for years have experienced immediate relief. Hypnosis can be used to stop the symptom of insomnia and can be used as an ongoing therapy to prevent the return of insomnia.

2. Finding Lost Objects. Have you ever lost an object and been frustrated trying to remember, consciously, where you put it? Then maybe weeks or months later you find it and remember, "oh, yeah, I put that there because..." Hypnosis can be used to access the subconscious mind, which will remember accurately where you put the object. Many people have recovered lost objects this way.

3. End an Unwanted Habit. Want to quit smoking, biting your nails, or some other habit that you just can't seem to quit through "willpower" alone? The subconscious mind is 88% of our brain's power, so trying to quit with willpower alone means the odds are stacked against you, 12% against 88%. Your subconscious will not release the habit without intervention , and that is what hypnosis is, intervention for your subconscious mind. Convince your subconscious that you are a non-smoker, non-nail-biter, etc., and watch yourself change.

4. Get Past a Fear or Phobia. Many people have their lives limited by a fear or a phobia. Perhaps you don't fly home to see family because of a phobia about flying. A fear is a learned reaction to a real event (e.g., a fear of dogs because you were bitten as a child). A phobia is an irrational reaction (e.g., fear of flying when you haven't had any negative experiences on a plane). Both fears and phobias are quickly resolved through hypnosis, giving you new freedom in your life.

5. Get Relief from Chronic Pain. Pain relief, an anesthetic effect, is a natural property of hypnosis. Before the discovery of ether, hypnosis was commonly used to anesthetize patients for surgery. Even today, hypnosis is being used for dental patients and for medical patients who cannot tolerate chemical anesthesia, and these patients tend to recover more quickly as well. What does this mean in your day to day life? Chronic aches and pains that are not responding to traditional medical approaches can be relieved by using the anesthetic properties of hypnosis. Once a qualified hypnotherapist teaches you how to use hypnosis this way, you can provide pain relief for yourself at any time, anywhere, in any circumstance.

There are many more applications for hypnosis that can benefit you in your everyday life. Many have used hypnosis successfully for weight loss, to improve their memory, to relieve stage fright or performance anxiety , and much, much more. How could hypnosis benefit your life?

Author's Bio: 

Cindy Locher, CHT, is a clinical hypnotist in Minnesota. She focuses on resolving anxiety and panic disorders, PTSD, habit abatement, and helping people recognize and change the beliefs that form the foundation of their self image and thus their actions and behaviors.