Tis the season for stress -- A day long shopping trip, wrapping presents on a hard floor, the stress of running errands -- all of these activities can wreak havoc on your neck and back. There are many health implications that accompany the holiday season and prepping the body for that holiday shopping excursion is most important.

We should treat holiday shopping as an athletic event to ward off the stress and strain that often accompanies this otherwise joyous season. To stay happy, healthy and stress-free this holiday shopping season there are some things to keep in mind before you head out on an adventure whether it be last minute errands or holiday shopping.

How many of you have carried your shopping bags around all day and then experienced muscle and back pain . What about after running errands, wrapping gifts or baking holiday treats found that a headache has creeped up? Preventing the pain before it starts is ideal.

You may not think to gear up for a day of shopping, hours of wrapping gifts or standing while baking but keep these tips in mind:

• Stretch before and after a long day of shopping
• Wear shoes with plenty of cushioning and wear comfortable clothes
• Leave your purse at home to avoid adding extra weight on your shoulders
• Take frequent breaks and drink plenty of water
• If you must do last minute shopping try to pace yourself
• Don’t sit on a hard floor while wrapping gifts and take plenty of breaks to avoid stiffness

Author's Bio: 

Dr. Rees of Rees Chiropractic in Hingham, Massachusetts has been a health practitioner for over 12 years. He specializes in neuromuscular therapy, family wellness care, and sports injury/rehabilitation. For more information visit www.reeschiropractic.com