I have been in network marketing for a little over seven years, coming from a background in real estate. I had financial freedom but no time freedom. Running a successful real estate business and having a family of four kids did not work well for me so after 7 years of doing both, I decided to venture into the home business arena. I have to admit I was not that selective when choosing my first opportunity and just jumped in to the first one where someone actually called me back. After three years I definitely had time freedom but no income coming in and a dwindling savings account. I would like to note that I did learn alot in these three years and met many great people who are now friends and who are also great leaders in this industry. I would not trade those three years for anything. My second venture I joined for two reasons. One, because of the people involved: they had a great track record and I enjoyed working with them. And two, because I truly liked their product. I made more money in four months of doing this business than in the previous three years with the other company. So why move to yet another ADventure? Because I finally hit on what I believe true success is. Doing what you like and making money at the same time. That equals: FUN, FUN, FUN! I have learned not every opportunity is for everyone, but for everyone there is an opportunity. To choose the right internet home based business for you, look for something you are already interested in or know something about. For example, if you are into health and nutrition , choose a product you yourself could and would consume. This is actually one of the most important factors for any business to be successful--find something you like and put all your energy into making it work. The second thing you want to look for is someone who is where you want to be, and have that person show you how they did it. It definitely shortens the learning curve and success can come that much quicker to you. So keep your eyes and ears open, opportunities are around every corner, you just need to find yours......