One of the hardest parts of using recycled products in everyday life is coming up with ideas and inspiration . If you need some ideas on how to use the old items around your home, one of the best places to head is the local craft store.

At the local craft store you may see many examples of creative recycling and some great ideas for reusing old items. In fact, some of the most stunning crafts are made from recycled items. Just take a look at the items available in the local craft store, then try to relate them to the old items that you have to recycle. If you can’t relate the whole item, at least identify the parts of the crafts that can be made from recycled items. This can give you a lot of ideas for creating your own craft items with the used items available at home. It is possible for you to create similar items that are available in craft stores all by yourself by using old items available at your disposal.

Do you know that there are crafts that are made of eggshells? If eggshells can be used in creative recycling to create crafts, why not the other items? Baby food jars and food cans can be used to create great new containers for a variety of toiletries and household items. Old magazines and newspapers can be used to create colorful and useful envelopes. It is easy to create these envelopes using only scissors and glue, and this can be a great project for the kids as well.

Old CDs that are of no use anymore can find new life as colorful and shiny wall decorations and mobiles. In addition, the reflective surfaces of old CDs make them great for creating your very own low cost disco ball, simply by cutting the CDs into small pieces and gluing them onto a foam ball or similar round object. Floppy disks are great for creating low cost photo cubes, simply by gluing them into a cube and attaching favorite photographs.

Additionally, the costs of the many school projects that students are asked to do can be a real burden on mom and dad, but by using an innovative array of recycled products you can really cut down on the costs. Once you have identified those recycled items that can be used in the projects, you can save a great deal of money on those projects.

One great way to collect those items is to simply sort your trash at home. Simply by going through the items that are being thrown away at your home, you may be able to find some great items to use in all sorts of projects. These recycled items can provide significant cost savings over the costs of buying all new items for each school project. After all, one of the key benefits of recycling is the money that can be saved, and using recycled materials is one of the best ways to save money while helping to save the environment at the same time.

Simply using recycled items for your projects you can save you plenty of money versus the cost of using all new materials. For instance, say you need to create a small racecar or similar toy. You can do this project by using an old computer mouse that would otherwise be thrown away. A few simple modifications can transform that computer mouse into a great race car or pull toy. Of course a computer mouse is not the only technological item that can be recycled. Old CDs are among the most versatile of items. These old CDs have been used in a number of festive decorations, and the only limit to their usefulness is the imagination of the project creator.

After awhile you will find yourself developing an eye for which products can be recycled and used in school and other types of projects. Some of the many things that can be recycled and used again for a variety of purposes include packing boxes, packaging materials like foam peanuts, plastic items, planters, mats, carpets, scraps of wood, old paint, flooring products and a variety of office and computer supplies.

A simple trip to the craft store can provide all the inspiration you need for these and many other great projects using a variety of recycled and used materials you have around the home.

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