Find your true wealth!

“ In a rational world, the best of us would aspire to find our true wealth by achieving good health!”According to an Italian quote “He who enjoys good health is rich, though he knows it not”

Why do we gamble with our health? What is true wealth?

We have become ignorant of what it means to be truly wealthy. In the pursuit of wealth we have ignored out health. We are driven by the desire to be wealthy; we do what ever it takes to get there. We eat inconsistently, we deprive ourselves of sleep, and we choose food that comes easy so as not to interrupt or take time away from the superficial goal of wealth. It is amazing to see the lengths we will go to, doing what ever it takes. We chant, affirm, visualize, and we pay good money to learn secrets of the wealthy.

We do all of this in the hopes of becoming just like them, wealthier than we have ever imagined. We live fast lives. Incredibly, we continue to take our health for granted and second-guess the investment we put into acquiring and maintaining our health. Why do we choose to wait until we are truly ill to take care of our health? It seems that when it comes to our health we still live by the quote “ we shoulda, woulda. coulda,” a quote that is not accepted in the wealth arena.

It is amazing how it comes of no surprise to us to hear about people spending more than $10,000 to $30,00 a year to go to a wealth building seminar to learn how to become wealthy. We also find it very typical to hear about our friends or ourselves paying more than this for the superficial indulgence of a face-lift or other cosmetic enhancers. But, when it comes to true health we often think twice about spending anywhere from $40.00 to $100.00 a month for quality supplements or organic foods. We purchase big homes and cars that bring status only to ignore the true meaning of wealth-our health.

Why is it that we all think twice about putting out the money it takes to nourish our bodies with the right supplements and foods necessary to give us the strength we need to keep up with our fast lifestyles? Why do we do this? Have we become ignorant of the fact that we need our health to keep us going and be able to enjoy the wealth that we accumulate?

It seems that we as a society have our values truly backwards. We are looking for our wealth first and thinking, “when I get rich I will focus on my health”. We have it all wrong. The only ones that know the true meaning of wealth are those of us that have been deprived of “ our health”. What kind of wake up call do we need? Are we waiting for the doctor to tell us we have an incurable disease or illness that could have been prevented by changing our ways and investing in our health?

As a society we continue to be a reactive instead of being proactive in all that we do. Truly we must learn to be the opposite. “We need to see the error of our ways”. We cannot wait until another epidemic hits in order to make us reevaluate the trueness of our wealth!

Disturbingly, there is an overwhelming attitude in people today that accept as an inevitable fact that they will develop one or several chronic degenerative diseases in their lifetime. Why have we become so complacent with our health? We need to change this belief. We need to see the bigger picture here. As the quote says “Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction." We need to move in the opposite direction now to be able to enjoy our wealth. What are we waiting for?

“True wealth is our health, with a healthy body, mind and spirit, we have the tools necessary to achieve our dreams .”

According to Charles Caleb Colton (1780-1832) British clergyman, and sportsman “Money is the most envied, but the least enjoyed. Health is the most enjoyed, but the least envied.”

We need to wake up and accept the fact that wealth is of no use to us in illness or death .
We must stop gambling with our health, and know that good health is true wealth. Our call to action is to endeavor to become truly wealthy by focusing on achieving and maintaining our health. Invest in changing our nutrition , exercise and supplementation.

Be good to our bodies and smart with our health.. We will master the art of being truly wealthy by remembering that our health is our wealth.

Author's Bio: 

Marti Angel, MA
Remember that your health is your wealth!! Keep your thoughts positive! " take control of your health" Purchase a great meditation CD at

Marti Angel, MA "America's Health and Expert Lifestyle Coach" is a Certified Holistic Nutritionist, Yoga Professor, RYT, Reiki Master level 2, Watsu water therapist, Certified Meditation Instructor, Certified Metabolic Typing Advisor (Health Excel, Inc), Nutraceutical Consultant, Certified Health/Lifestyle Coach, motivational speaker and founder of the number one alternative therapies site on the web


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