In response to the economic crisis, Cathy Curtis, a San Francisco Bay Area based Fee Only financial advisor has published a handy booklet entitled “10 Simple Truths About Money” to help her clients and the public focus on key money concepts that can keep them on track in these difficult times. The booklet is beautifully designed and illustrated and small enough that it can be tucked into a purse or briefcase and is meant to be referred to often. Each simple truth is brief and to the point and is expanded upon further on Curtis Financial Planning’s unique women-focused website: .

Cathy Curtis says, “I find that many people find learning about financial concepts and managing money intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be. In addition to being an advisor I want to help educate people so they can make better decisions.”
For example, with the Madoff scandal making headlines, the simple truth “choose your advisors wisely” reminds us that it is important to find an advisor who is committed to a fiduciary relationship – meaning that clients interests are placed above all others.

Cathy Curtis, as a Napfa registered Fee-Only advisor is committed to the three primary ideals of Napfa: 1. The belief that clients are best served by a comprehensive approach to financial planning, 2. The highest levels of competency must be achieved and maintained, and 3. Fee Only compensation and a fiduciary relationship are vital to placing the interests of the client above all others. To find out more about Fee Only advisors, visit the Napfa website at .

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Services offered by Curtis Financial Planning are comprehensive financial planning including cash flow/budgeting, retirement planning, tax, insurance and estate planning analysis and other special planning needs such as education or real estate finance planning; and investment portfolio management. Visit Curtis Financial Planning's website: for more information on fees and services.