If wealth is a feeling and many of our feelings are attached to our prior programming, domestication, and parenting , just how many of us FEEL WEALTHY?

Perhaps the FEELING is in the word “wealthy.” Although every word, phrase, or sentence can be interpreted differently no matter what language it’s in, I still think that English speaking people, especially those of us who use it as our primary language, have given certain words…certain meanings. This happens to words as they are used over a period of time. For example, the word “coincidence.” Most times it is used to mean that something happened spontaneously or by happenstance. However, if you break the word apart, “co” meaning “with” and “incidence” meaning “event” really says that two or more things came together with the event. In other words, it was no accident.

So, let’s take the word WEALTH. What FEELING does it conjure up for you? If you changed the word to “Well Off”, does that change anything? How about “Affluent?” Webster gives the meaning of “wealthy” as: 1: having wealth: AFFLUENT 2: Characterized by abundance (Hmmm…what does abundance mean today?): AMPLE : syn see RICH. What does the word “Rich” conjure up within you?

Webster begs the question: “Do I need wealth to have abundance in my life? That’s a whole other topic, eh? If I have AMPLE amount, am I wealthy?

And back to the original question…If wealth is a FEELING, do you FEEL wealthy? And if not…why not? And what do you need to do if you WANT to FEEL wealthy?

Linda McCarrin, BA, CHLC
Ripple Effect Presentations
P.O. Box 1121
Orland Park, Il. 60462
Copyright 2006

Author's Bio: 

Linda McCarrin is a Chicago born native. She has had a varied career which has included teaching children and adults, selling residential real estate as a broker, working as an After Care Counselor at a drug rehabilitation facility, marketing in the health field and becoming certified in Holistic Life Coaching. As a life coach Linda facilitates personal development and wellness workshops for organizations, hospitals, churches and companies. The topics are on family and employee communication, learning to be more emotionally present, creating healthier relationships with ourselves, family and colleagues.She shows you how your beliefs influence everything from how you spend your money to choosing your life partner.

From an early age her intuition was always serving her. But it wasn’t until she went through what she calls her own “personal tsunami” that she began to see that she was not on a divinely planned path. It took a cranial tumor to help her understand that and so she embarked on a course called, “Self-Mastery…A Journey Home to your Self” from Holistic Learning Centers, Inc. in New Jersey. It was here that that she realized how much her past programming had kept her from using her natural God-given talents.

As a Certified Holistic Life Coach, she now gives national seminars with her company, Ripple Effect Presentations, featuring “Seminars for the Soul” series. Linda travels to relay the message that we are here to discover who we are so that we can use our natural talents, earn a good living, and contribute to the betterment of society. Her favorite quote is: “People don’t change until the pain of remaining the same is too great.”

Contact her for a brochure or her latest newsletter at: Rippleeffect10@comcast.net , call her at 708.253.5600 or write to her at: Linda McCarrin, Ripple Effect Presentations, Box 1121, Orland Park, Il. 60462.