There are times when we allow ourselves to wallow in self-pity, doubt and fear. It’s a marvelous day when we realize that we are in control of our thoughts and feelings. We can actually choose to feel things! Here are some things that really feel good to me.
As you think about these “feel good” thoughts one at a time , notice how great you begin to feel! As you spend time with each thought, recalling the memories, you now realize that you can use these thoughts at any time to shift your mood! What a wonderful feeling!
1. Falling in Love
2. Laughing so much your face hurts
3. A hot, steamy shower
4. Being at the right place, at the right time
5. Being on the receiving end of that “special glance”
6. Receiving good news from a friend or loved one
7. Driving on a beautiful tree-lined road, or along side the ocean
8. Deep breathing as you enjoy an amazing view
9. Hearing your favorite song on the radio
10. Snuggling in bed as you listen to the rain outside
11. Wrapping in a hot towel after a bath
12. Creamy ice cream smothered in hot fudge
13. Relaxing in a deliciously fragrant bubble bath
14. Getting the giggles for no reason at all
15. Contributing to a great conversation
16. Walking
on the beach barefoot
17. Finding money in a jacket you hung in the closet last winter
18. Feeling unconditionally loved
19. A midnight phone call with a new friend that lasts for hours
20. Running through the sprinklers on a hot, sunny day
21. Hearing someone tell you: “You’re beautiful, inside and out!”
22. Sleeping until you’re completely rested and raring to go
23. A first kiss
24. Spending quality time with friends
25. Making new friends
26. Puppy kisses, kittens purring
27. Getting a massage
with essential oils filling the room
28. Getting your hair gently combed or brushed
29. Waking up to the memory of an amazing dream
30. Hot chocolate on a snowy day
31. Road trips with best friends
32. Swinging as high as your swing can go
33. Making eye contact with an attractive stranger
34. The smell of baking chocolate chip cookies
35. Eating chocolate chip cookies while they are still warm from the oven
36. Being present with someone you care about
37. Running into an old friend and talking like it was just yesterday that you last saw each other
38. Knowing you’ve made someone’s day by giving a little extra
39. Watching the sunrise
40. Feeling grateful for another day to make a difference in the world
41. Being hugged by loved ones
42. Doing the right thing
43. Knowing you stepped up to the plate when you were called
Right now, stop and take a deep breath, while you become aware that you also have wonderful memories and thoughts that you can use to shift your mood into a higher vibration at will. Take a moment to create your list of "happy thoughts". Read them daily and allow the feelings gratefulness to resonate in you. You'll be glad you did!
Barbara Wainwright, President of Healthy Wealthy and Wise, and President of Certified Coaches Federation, Worldwide
Barbara has trained many coaches throughout the Western United States and is based out of Orange County, California