The majority of people see things either black or white. They find it difficult to see the grey, let alone live it.

Grey is the synergy, the melding of one and the other, rather than one vs. the other.

Look at the wars of the past and the present. Due to black vs. white, both in colour and thoughts they can't seem to find the grey. It's us vs. them, our religion vs. your religion , our country vs. your country, our dollar vs. your dollar, our product or company vs. your product or company etc. They haven't, nor do they care to stop and take a look at the grey. The grey is recognizing there is a need for expansion and growth, in thinking and actions, individually and collectively.

One must begin to look within to see that the battle of black vs. white starts there.

When you open yourself up to the grey within, you begin to see that the black and white are just different perspectives and different beliefs. One is neither better or worse until we give it meaning, or our own beliefs, or power to it.

So how do we tap into this open space of grey?

First is recognizing that it is there. When you find you are experiencing a feeling of your way being right and another wrong, or your way is better, or you know better etc., here begins the separation.

Second is questioning your thinking as to why it has to be your way. Can you absolutely know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are right? Is it possible to admit that there might be another answer, another perspective, or another way? In other words, can you agree to disagree?

Third is to release the attachment to your black and white thinking. Let it go. Seek the grey as often as possible in your own situations and the worlds. When we question our thinking we soon discover that it is our beliefs and fears that keep us stuck in our black and white thinking.

Fourth is how do you even know black is black and white is white except that it's what we learned. What if someone initially labelled black as grey, then you would know it to be grey, not black.

Fifth is remember, if you add white to black you get grey. Whenever possible, add the black and white together. You never know what possibilities are out there.

The next time you find yourself thinking in black and white, or black or white, or black vs. white, there is another colour waiting for you to discover, grey.

People often think of grey as dull or gloomy. Somewhere along the way you experienced or believed that was the case, and so it is.Choose to see grey as opening to possibilities and potential. Watch what happens. See what is created on the canvas and it won't just be black or white. You might be surprised as rainbows appear.

Don't limit your thinking to black and white. There is a whole spectrum of colour waiting for you to discover.

Remember , when you Shine, the world shines brighter because of you!

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Author's Bio: 

Kimberley Cohen is the Founder, Facilitator and Personal Insight Coach of The Insight Technique™. She is certified in Body Mind Counselling, Process Oriented Body Work and Spiritual Psychotherapy. She founded the Insight Technique™ - Your Insight to genuine Happiness, Purpose and Prosperity to assist herself and others in uncovering and discovering their brilliance. To question and understand your thinking so you can transform what blocks and limits you from living the life you desire and deserve. Or "living your dreams".