Just about anything can create a feeling of disappointment if you allow it too.

It could be something as simple as the weather putting a damper on events or vacations, or perhaps something more serious as in job layoffs and cut backs, or not receiving the job applied for, or a relationship that doesn’t seem to be going anywhere, or an illness, etc.

The problem is not the disappointment; it’s in how much attention and meaning you give to it.

Have you ever gone outside on a windy day and tried to stop it from blowing? Of course not, because you know the wind is going to blow until it doesn’t.

Setbacks are like the wind; they will come and go continuously in our lives.

So how can we handle these whirlwinds of disappointments?

1. By letting go of the expectation. We get so caught up on how things "should" be that when they don’t go as planned, we are disappointed and miss the opportunities and simple pleasures that are still surrounding us.

2. By recognizing change is occurring. This is not a time to stick your head in the sand of disappointment and defeat; it’s a time for acceptance that things are going to be different and you don’t know what is going to unfold.

3. By facing feelings and fears. The unknown can be pretty scary but it doesn’t have to be. Talk about it and surround yourself with people who have been through setbacks and overcome them.

4. By keeping it simple. Don’t waste precious time and energy on worrying what is going to happen. Keep it simple. Look at what the present moment is presenting for you. This is a time for faith , not falsities.

5. By going with the flow. When you go with the flow of the events rather than stressing about what isn’t happening, it allows you to take it all in, one precious moment at a time.

6. By acknowledging the present circumstance. All you really have is this present circumstance. The past has gone and the future has not yet occurred. When you acknowledge the present circumstances, you are inviting in the opportunity for growth and expansion on all levels.

7. By being grateful. One of the greatest gifts of any situation is being able to be grateful. It allows you to be right here, right now. It takes you out of disappointment and presents to you what is truly important.

Disappointments are a waste of precious time and energy. There is a whole world out there waiting to be explored. It is filled with opportunities, passions, and wonderful people.

Don’t live in the setbacks of the past or limited projections of the future. Take hold of the present moment and dance in the winds of change.

Remember, when you Shine, the world shines brighter because of you!

Author's Bio: 

Kimberley Cohen is the Founder, Facilitator and Personal Insight Coach of The Insight Technique™. She is certified in Body Mind Counselling, Process Oriented Body Work and Spiritual Psychotherapy. She founded the Insight Technique™ - Your Insight to genuine Happiness, Purpose and Prosperity to assist herself and others in uncovering and discovering their brilliance. To question and understand your thinking so you can transform what blocks and limits you from living the life you desire and deserve. Or "living your dreams".