Hypnosis is a state of hyper-suggestibility where the conscious and subconscious (unconscious) minds dissociate. It is a state of mind where the subject is more likely to accept the operator's suggestions.

You have been in hypnosis many times without even realizing it. If you have ever watched a sad T.V. show and reacted with a tear in your eye, you have been hypnotized by the television. You entered a state of increased suggestibility where you uncritically accepted the suggestion of sadness on the TV screen and reacted with a sad emotion, your tear

WHO CAN BE HYPNOTIZED?All normal people are hypnotizable to a greater or lesser extent. People with less than a 70 I.Q., those of the moron level or lower, generally are not hypnotizable. People who are in an active state of psychosis generally are not hypnotizable. Most senile people are difficult or impossible to hypnotize

For the therapeutic applications of hypnosis we most often deal with, depth of any kind is not required. You can be the lightest possible subject and still receive all of the benefits from hypnosis that the deepest subjects will obtain

ARE THERE ANY DANGERS IN HYPNOSIS AND SELF-HYPNOSIS?There are basically no dangers to the practice of self hypnosis. It is impossible to "get stuck" in hypnosis.

MISCONCEPTIONS ABOUT HYPNOSISThere are many misconceptions about hypnosis. Most of them are due to the stage and television acts. Ironically, it is because of the fact that the television can hypnotize you that these misconceptions are so strongly entrenched in people's mind.

The largest misconception about hypnosis is that it is sleep. Nothing could be further from the truth. Hypnosis is a state of keen awareness. The subject is wide-awake and aware of everything around her.

The second largest misconception is that there is a hypnotized feeling. There is no hypnotized feeling. Most people feel very relaxed when in hypnosis, as relaxation seems to be the essence of hypnosis. Some people feel heavy. Some people feel light. Some people feel no difference from the waking state.

CAN THE HYPNOTIST CONTROL ME?NO! The hypnotist cannot make you do anything against your will.

CAN THE HYPNOTIST MAKE ME DIVULGE MY SECRETS?You will not divulge any secrets while in hypnosis unless you want to do so.

MUST PEOPLE TELL THE TRUTH WHEN IN HYPNOSIS?NO! People can lie when in hypnosis.

DO HYPNOTISTS HAVE SPECIAL POWERS AND VIBRATIONS?The hypnotist does not have any special powers. Actually, all hypnosis is self-hypnosis.

WHY DO PEOPLE FAIL TO REACH THEIR GOALS USING HYPNOSIS?One of the biggest reasons for the inability to reach one's goals through hypnosis is an inadequate amount of practice where self-hypnosis is concerned. Self-hypnosis should be an ongoing affair on a daily basis. Ultimately, YOUR SUCCESS IS UP TO YOU!

WILL I BE BETTER OFF HIRING A HYPNOTIST, OR WILL PURCHASING A RECORDED PROGRAM WORK BETTER?Normally I would recommend that you utilize the services of a reputable hypnotist. The reason is that by meeting with you, a good hypnotist / NLP'er will be able to customize his approach to your personality and your favored representational system -- the way you favor taking in information through the senses to make sense out of it and react to it.

In my opinion, 99% of the recorded hypnosis programs available today are strictly Traditional Hypnosis , and consist of only one or two sessions of it at that. Traditional Hypnosis is nothing more than a set of direct commands: "If you eat a brownie you'll barf," etc. This technology has an exceptionally poor track record of success because everyone of our generation has been taught to question everything. That's why you, your friends, and your kids usually do the opposite of what they are told to do.

That being said, having private sessions with any Hypnotist / NLP'er who has enough experience to be able to actually help you can be very expensive. There are some hypnotic programs based on Ericksonian Hypnosis and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) that have overcome those shortcomings. They've done this by utilizing a mix of Traditional Hypnosis, Ericksonian Hypnosis, NLP, and the highly regarded Video Hypnosis technology. These are all technologies that are designed to eliminate the resistance factor.

Stay away from the "one size fits all" hypnosis CDs and downloads. Many people are attracted to these programs because they are cheap, usually under $10.00. But is it cheap if it just wastes your time and doesn't work? If you try something and it doesn't work, then you get wary and start to expect the next approach to fail. And you get what you expect.

Do you really think that the same exact commands will work for everyone? Do you usually do exactly as you are told? Or do you feel the desire to do the opposite of what you are told to do?

© 2006 By Alan B. Densky. This document may be re-printed as long as it is not altered and the author’s name and web address are retained.

Author's Bio: 

Alan B. Densky, Pres.
Neuro-VISION, Inc.Video and Audio Hypnosis & NLP CD's

Mr. Densky is the developer of the Neuro-VISION Video Hypnosis Technology, which received a US Patent because of it's uniqueness and effectiveness. Mr. Densky's latest undertaking has been to make the Neuro-VISION Appetite & Smoking Control Videos, and a long list of his other recorded hypnosis titles available to the general public thru his company's web site.

Stop by the Neuro-VISION site and download one of our <ree hypnotic power relaxation programs to experience ericksonian hypnosis at its very best