It's clear to see we're bang in the middle of a credit crunch. More and more banks have needed bailing out, companies are going bankrupt and all we hear are warnings of an impending recession. What's even scarier is the fact that this situation has an adverse effect our personal economy. With bills rising at a terrifying rate, there seems to be more month than money at the moment.

But there is a sanctuary from the doom and gloom. The internet is helping more people than ever to escape the credit crunch 'rat race' and earn a living or supplement their income from home. And the great thing is, it's easy to try making money online without giving up a day job.

The number of UK home workers now stands at 2.5 million which is up from 2.1 million last year. Approximately every 10 seconds someone else starts a new home based business. And thousands of people with full time jobs are selling their services outside their 9 to 5 jobs to supplement their income, all contributing to the fast growing 5pm-9am economy.

Even for someone who doesn't have any services or talents to sell, it is easy to join the revolution, thanks to the lucrative world of online Affiliate Marketing. This simply involves helping to sell other peoples products and being paid a commission for doing so.

It's actually much easier than it sounds. Anyone with a website can have affiliate links, relevant to the content of their site. Or they could set up a website just for the purposes of making affiliate sales.

Like 2 students from Nottingham, who after working from home as Affiliate Marketers for a year, dropped out of University to pursue it full time. They now employ 3 members of staff and earn a small fortune, solely through affiliate marketing.

Success came after countless failures and the development of their successful formula, which they still use today.

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For the full story of their success and how their formula can be used to ensure online success, just visit