Finding your perfect partner in today's world can be a daunting process, especially with the hectic lifestyles most of us have. Armonía42 ( ), a well-known company for astrological matchmaking services, recognises time and success as important issues and shares their top 5 tips for dating the right person:

1. Find out your partners birthdate
In astrology , thousands of years of research has identified that your birthdate provides an excellent guide to who you are most compatible with. Not only is this a useful guide, but a great talking point for developing your relationship.

"For example, depending on your exact date, a sign will be revealed that after further extrapolation may reveal your matching elementally qualities (i.e air, earth, fire and water signs) or other key signs."

To understand more visit Armonia42

2. Get your partners birth timeWith the stars in constant movement, various patterns are formed over time, and your birth time, when used in conjunction with a birth date, can provide a more accurate reading of your star sign and, therefore, your astrological compatibility.

3. Know your partners birthplaceYour birthplace provides a significant astrological clue that can provide a good indication of future success with a partner. In fact years of research has shown, that birthplaces can provide excellent confirming indicator when used in conjunction with a birth date and time.

4. Find out your Western zodiac signsKnowing your Western zodiac sign, which relates to your solar year, will also give you further evidence of finding your perfect partner in the future. Again, this may range from elemental qualities (air, wind, fire) to more advanced signs like Cardinal properties your sign possesses.

To identify your sign visit: (visit this site for astrology compatibility).

5. Understand your Chinese astrological signs
Knowing your Chinese astrological animal sign, which is determined by the lunar year, can act as excellent supporting knowledge for confirming indications from previous readings. Since this is different from our 'regular' calendar, your birthdate could fall under two different signs of the solar year. You can find out more about Chinese astrology here.

Understand this isn't an exhausted list of tips, but it should provide the hectic person with a good sense of their astrological compatibility with a future person. If you wish to explore your astrological readings more please visit

Author's Bio: 

Nowadays a lot of people need help in their continued search for love, and that is where we here at Armonía42 come in with astrology matchmaking. We want to help people find love through horoscope compatibility, to find their perfect astrological match, whether it be the till death do us ´part kind, or simply finding the right person with whom to share life´s special moments. Astrology matchmaking is a great way to find someone.

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