Binge Eating Disorder is a type of eating disorder characterized by sustained binge eating to excess followed by periods of guilt and disgust. Unlike bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder does not include periods of purging. The disease is supposedly prevalent among 1-5% of the population. This disease affects women slightly more than men (60%-40%). Additionally, people with binge eating disorder can be of normal or over weight. Other characteristics include:

1. Feeling out of control with eating behavior
2. Eating when not hungry
3. Eating in secret
4. Depression is prevalent among people with this eating disorder
5. Feeling of shame and distress after the binge eating episode.

The health risks are the same as those associated with clinical obesity and include:

1. High cholesterol and blood pressure
2. Heart and gall bladder disease
3. Diabetes mellitus

Generally, people who appear to suffer for this eating disorder will have a low self esteem and could also be experiencing family and/or relationship problems. They could also have experienced some childhood trauma including severe bullying, teasing, physical or sexual abuse . Scientists are working on a link between disorders such as binge eating disorder to biological or biochemical causes. There have been findings linking hunger, appetite and digestion chemical imbalances in the brain with eating disorders .

Author's Bio: 

Greg Culver is the owner of which is a comprehensive information portal dedicated to providing qualityinformation about eating disorders.