Conversational hypnosis is a very powerful tool to persuade people without them consciously being aware of it. Master persuaders and hypnotists have been integrating conversational hypnosis techniques within their everyday conversations to convince people to accept their ideas; and they’ve been proven to work.

One simple yet effective conversational hypnosis technique is the use of presuppositions. Presuppositions assume that the person you're persuading has already accepted your proposal or has reached an agreement with you, even he has not yet done so. See how the questions below “presupposes” your desired outcome.

“Are you still willing to join me in my quest?” (This question does not ask “if” you’re willing, but it presupposes that you’re already willing.)

“I will give you $100 when you finish this task. (Notice I didn’t say “if” but “when.”)

“When do you want to start doing your assignment?” (It assumes you already want to do it; the only question is “when” to start).

“How happy are you to be here in this memorable event?” (It assumes you’re already happy; the only question is your level of happiness .)

“I’m glad you checked this out. How will you apply it to your business?” (It assumes you will apply it; the only question is “how” you will apply it.)

“Shall we start the program on Thursday or Friday?” (It assumes the program will push through; the only question is “when.”)

When you ask these questions, people will also start thinking of answers and may therefore get distracted from thoroughly understanding your question. You can then easily persuade them at this point.

The Magic Conversational Hypnosis Question

You can make people do what you want right now by asking a question that assumes he has already did your desired request.

Here’s an example:"If you made money with this program, would you continue your membership?"

If he says "yes", then you're in a much better position to persuade. That's because he will never know if he will make money with your program… unless he joined.

Conversational hypnosis techniques are covert persuasion methods that are easy to apply; yet the results can be profound. Use them ethically in everyday interactions and you’ll influence more people.

Author's Bio: 

If you want to easily make anyone like you, win more friends, explode your income, and secretly persuade anyone to eagerly do anything you want, then you must apply the covert power of persuasion and conversational hypnosis techniques for maximum results. Grab a FREE course that reveals 10 groundbreaking persuasion secrets at: