Colon Cancer: What you should know..

Colon cancer is currently the number two cause of cancer death in the United States - only second to lung cancer today. In recent years, there has been a lot of good news regarding colon cancer; however, we know now that with relatively very simple screening tests along with a few dietary and lifestyle changes, we can significantly reduce the risks of developing this deadly killer. Doctors and researchers do not fully understand what causes colon cancer.

Colonics or colonic irrigation has been documented as early as Ancient Egypt by George Ebers in 1873. In the Ebers Papyrus, he documents the use of the enema (clyster) for over 20 stomach and intestinal complaints to drive out excrement. This of course is significant given one of the major jobs of the colon (which is about 51/2 to 6 feet in lenght) is to serve as a holding area for waste prior to elimination. Over the span of our lifetimes of eating foods and living in an environment much more toxic than our ancient human relatives, the colon becomes impacted. For instance, the average adult in this country is walking around with between 10 to 50 pounds of toxic waste in his or her body, largely in the colon. Common sense tells us that a cleaner colon is likely to result in a healthier colon.

Given this reality, what is the most effective way of achieving a healthier colon? Well, I argue that colonics or colon hydrotherapy may be amongst the best, the safest and least invasive option available to any of us today. The procedure is painless, simple, and time efficient. I have returning clients who have scheduled the procedure during their lunch breaks. During a colonic, warm purified water is gently introduced into the colon in a relaxing and dignified manner lasting from 45 minutes to an hour, depending upon the individual client. FDA approved machinery is used by many today that allows you to control the flow of water and to largely self-administer under the guide of a certified technician.

We do know that most colon cancer begins as very small non-cancerous groups or clumps of cells. These are known as adenomatous polyps, which can be removed during routine screening tests such as a colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy. The importance of early detection of these can not be overstated. The American Cancer Society suggests screenings begin at age 50. If you are at a higher risk, they advise even earlier screenings for prevention.It stands to reason that if we are not definitively sure of the origin of colon cancer - the best things we all can do is to ensure that our colon is maintained and kept as clear of toxins and carcinogens as possible. Colonics are a safe, noninvasive alternative approach and preventive approach to colon health.

There are symptoms that should alert you to contact your doctor however. They include: rectal bleeding or blood in your stool, a change in the consistency of your stools (lasting more than a couple of weeks), narrow stools, stomach pain in conjunction with bowel movements, or unexplained sudden weight loss . There are several reasons, other than colon cancer, why you may observe blood in your stool. Again, you should contact your doctor immediately.
It is important to understand the risk factors involved as you have control over many of them. First, no one is too young to be affected by this disease, but do know that over 90% of the individuals with the disease are over 50 years of age. There are additional factors other than age that you and your family should be aware. These include:
. Family history, which may be genetic or the result of diet , lifestyle or exposure to environmental toxins. If you are Jewish and of Eastern European descent, you may have inherited a tendency to develop colon cancer. This is particularly true for Ashkenaki Jews.
. Diet , which you do have control over is also a risk factor.
. Smoking appears to be a risk factor. More than 1 in 10 of all fatal colon cancer deaths may be caused by smoking. When smokers are diagnosed with the disease, they have a 30 to 40 % greater chance of dying from the disease than non-smokers.
. Alcohol is believed to increase the chance of colorectal cancer.
. A sedentary lifestyle increases your risk.
. Limiting your intake of saturated fats to no more than 10%.
. It is broad agreement that a diet including plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains may protect you from cancer. .
. Staying physically active may reduce your risk of cancer by half.
. Maintaining a healthy mindset.
. Utilize colon therapy as part of your preventive health strategy.

Deborah Imani, is the Founder of the Nile Wellness Center specializing in colon hydrotherapy. She can be reached at 770-454-1363. E-mail at and visit the site at . Please see photo below.

Author's Bio: 

Deborah Imani is the founder of the Nile Wellness Center in Atlanta, Georgia. The Nile Wellness Center specializes in Colon Hydrotherapy. Deborah is certified Colon Hydrotherapist and a member of the International Association of Colon Hydrotherapy. E-mail at the and visit the site at .